President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, while addressing the National Migration Dialogue, reassured that his government is implementing measures to combat youth unemployment, aiming to prevent brain drain caused by migration.

The minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Dr Betta Edu, represented the President and highlighted various intervention programs to alleviate economic challenges, particularly for the youth.

Expressing concern over the recent surge in youth migration, President Tinubu emphasized the government’s commitment to social and economic policies, focusing on improving the welfare of Nigerians and creating job opportunities for young graduates. He urged the dialogue to discuss leveraging youth expertise and the global exposure of the Nigerian diaspora for national development.

The President acknowledged the contributions of migration to economic development, remittances, and technological transfer. However, he lamented the life-threatening challenges faced by migrants and called for recommendations on utilizing remittances for development.

The dialogue, as outlined by Commissioner Tijjani Ahmed, aims to explore the dynamics of youth migration, assess its impact on the Nigerian economy, and devise strategies for harnessing it for national development. Senate President Godswill Akpabio emphasized the need for a thoughtful debate on the relationship between youth migration and national development.

Professor Muhammed Ladan underscored the importance of policies to end migration gaps, urging Nigeria to sign and ratify the African continental protocol on free movement. The event, attended by diplomatic corps, legislative members, and civil society actors, focused on finding solutions to address the challenges posed by youth migration for a better future.