NEWS DIGEST- Playing in top leagues in the world is the dream of every football player. These leagues, known as the “big five” in Europe, are not only the most competitive, but also the most prestigious. Among them are the Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga, and Ligue 1, which have the highest salaries and transfer fees. Players who play in these leagues get the chance to compete in the UEFA Champions League, a tournament that is considered a dream for every footballer.

In this article, we will reveal the most astonishing fact about six clubs in the major European leagues, who have never been relegated from the top tier in their entire history.

First and foremost, we have Athletic Bilbao, a formidable Spanish team that plays in La Liga. Though they might not be dominating the league currently, it’s a shocker that they have never been relegated from the top tier in their history.

Another club that has never been relegated from the La Liga is Real Madrid, arguably one of the biggest clubs in the world right now. The 14 times Champions League-winning club has never tasted the bitter pill of relegation.

Next up is Barcelona, the Catalan Giants who aren’t far behind Real Madrid in terms of global football dominance. It’s equally surprising to know that they have never been relegated in their history.

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Moving forward, we discover that PSG, the biggest club in France, has also never been relegated from the top French league. With Bayern Munich being another club that has played in the top tier of the German league since their inception, followed by Dortmund, RB Leipzig, and other clubs, they are no strangers to winning big games. Lastly, we have Inter Milan, who are a well-known club in the top tier of Serie A. They have equally never been relegated from the Serie A in their entire history.

These football clubs may not be consistently dominating their leagues at present, but the fact that they have never been relegated from the top tier in their entire history makes for a compelling narrative.