[FILES] Nigerian youth barricade the road by burning objects during clashes between youths in Apo, Abuja, Nigeria, on October 20, 2020, following the ongoing demonstrations against the unjustly brutality of the Nigerian Police Force Unit, the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). (Photo by Kola Sulaimon / AFP)
[FILES] Nigerian youth barricade the road by burning objects during clashes between youths in Apo, Abuja, Nigeria, on October 20, 2020, following the ongoing demonstrations against the unjustly brutality of the Nigerian Police Force Unit, the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). (Photo by Kola Sulaimon / AFP)

Suspected ritualists accused of stealing two girls burnt alive in Niger

Angry mob in Lapai Local Government Area of Niger State has lynched a suspected ritualist to death.

The suspect, who was simply identified as Sani, was allegedly caught with two stolen babies on Friday.

A resident, of the town, Abdullahi Yahaya, told Daily Trust that the suspect was arrested around 1 p.m. and was immediately burned to death.

While confirming the incident, Niger State Police Command’s Public Relations Officer, Wasiu Abiodun, said the suspect was burned beyond recognition before the police team arrived at the scene.

Mr Abiodun said the suspect was accused of stealing babies around the burial ground area of Lapai.

“On the receipt of the information, DPO Lapai mobilised and led a patrol team to the scene, but before the police arrived at the scene, irate mob armed with cutlasses and other dangerous weapons had beaten the suspect to a coma and set him ablaze.

“Efforts were made to put off the fire and rescue him, unfortunately, he was burnt beyond recognition, while the body was later evacuated to the General Hospital Lapai”, he said.