The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar III, has encouraged the Muslim Ummah to lead exemplary lives with lasting legacies. This call was made during the official launch of the Hajiya Inna Wakili Adamu Islamic Foundation (HIWAIF) and the posthumous presentation of ‘Al Muqaddama Fi Ilmid Tajweed’ at the National Mosque, Abuja.

Hajiya Inna, the late wife of Ambassador Hassan Adamu, was commemorated for her impactful contributions to the lives of the less privileged and downtrodden. Described as an extraordinary humanitarian volunteer and dedicated community servant, she left a remarkable legacy of service to humanity.

The foundation, explained Engr Saidu Njiddah, a member of the event’s media and publicity committee, aims to promote Islamic education, offer scholarships to talented yet underprivileged youth, and provide support to impoverished families with basic needs.

The book ‘Al Muqaddama Fi Ilmid Tajweed,’ conceived and authored by Hajiya Inna Wakili, focuses on Tajweed—a crucial subject in the study of the Qur’an and Islamic practice.