Dr Stephen Odey, Chairman Cross River Universal Basic Education Board (CR-SUBEB)

NEWS DIGEST – The Cross River Universal Basic Education Board (CR-SUBEB) said on Sunday that it did not collect any gratification from applicants currently seeking for teaching jobs in the state.

Dr Stephen Odey, the Chairman of the board, said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Calabar.

Odeh spoke in reaction to some reports in the social media that the board was collecting bribes from the applicants.

He said that such reports were mere imaginations of the enemies of the board.

The chairman said that rather than collect such bribes from the applicants the board had determined to sanction any staff that engaged in such an act.

“Since I assumed office here in 2016, we have never collected bribe in any way from any applicant.

“We sanction any staff that engages in such. CR-SUBEB under my watch has never collected bribe for recruitment of teachers or enrollment of pupils in schools,” he said.

Odey said that the board’s activities were open to public and advised anyone interested in them to make necessary clarifications from his office instead of misinforming the public.

According to him, the board has administered a written examination on the applicants for the recruitment of 1000 teachers as approved by the State Government.

He further said that the ongoing building project at the British/Canadian International Model School, Obudu, was expected to be completed in May.

“The governor has directed that the school to be completed in May and we are working towards that.

“Work at the site is going at a very high speed and we are expecting that we will deliver in May,” he said. (NAN)