Professor Biodun Ogunyemi
Professor Biodun Ogunyemi
Why we may go on Strike again – ASUU President
NEWS DIGEST – The President of the Academic Staffs Union of Universities, Professor Biodun Ogunyemi has spoken to The News Digest on why the lecturers Union may go on strike.
In this Interview with The News Digest’s Olanrewaju Oyedeji, the ASUU scribe spoke about the low funding of the Education sector and lots more.

News Digest: What is your take on the recent statement of the Federal Government that Federal Universities should stop charging tuition fees?

ASUU President: I must say we are not impressed,if the Federal Government is just coming now to state that, it is not impressive at all.

News Digest: Do you think that the statement meets the current reality in our Universities?

ASUU President: The Government should stop been hypocritical ,they should face issues, there is no money anywhere and they are not funding the sector,yet they say no tuition fee should be charged. ASUU supports that no tuition fee should be charged but the Vice Chancellors have found their way around it, if we have a case in which hostels go for as much as 40,000naira, do we still call that one free education? The Universities still charge indirect tuition fee and until the Federal Government faces the reality, it may be another talk.

News Digest: But you have not done anything despite your claims on under-funding, what steps have you taken?

ASUU President: You cannot say we have not done anything at all, we have been meeting with them for one year and we are still negotiating but until we see insincerity we cannot go for confrontation.

News Digest: How soon are we likely to see confrontation?

ASUU President: I cannot state that categorically, very soon we will come out to tell Nigerians to prevail on the Federal Government to do the needful through funding,it is only when they don’t meet up that we can act.

News Digest: So are we likely to see another strike action?

ASUU President: I cant speak on that basically but if the Federal Government proves that they are really insincere, we may talk about confrontation soon. We just rose up from a National Delegates meeting, so we have all our heads on improving things.

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