Alh. Ghali Na’Abba

Stop visiting MDAs for favour, Na’abba cautions lawmakers

NEWS DIGEST–Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Alhaji Ghali Umar Na’abba on Wednesday warned against the conduct of lawmakers who go cap in hand to Ministries, Departments and Agencies of government in search of favours, saying such action demean their status.

Na’abba spoke just as Speaker of the House of Representatives; Femi Gbajabiamila said the House will henceforth exercise the full authority of the legislature in exercising its oversight functions in furtherance of its objective of ensuring national development, peace, progress and prosperity of the country.

The former Speaker of the House, Ghali Umar Na’abba who insisted that the legislature is an important arm of government said lawmakers who go in search of favour from the executive were demeaning their status as an important arm of government.

The former Speaker described committees work as the engine room of the legislature as they provide members avenue for robust debate on issues before they are brought to the whole house for final deliberation.

Speaker Gbajabiamila who spoke while inaugurating the 105 House standing Committees also told his colleagues to use the opportunity provided by their membership of the committees to prove to Nigerians that they deserve the mandate given to them by the electorates.

The Speaker challenged the committees not to be guided by personal interest, but ensure that their services are motivated only by considerations that are in the best interest of the country.

He said “the legislative committee system is as old as the legislature itself, and it is through these committees that most of the work of the legislature is done, and accomplishments are achieved.

“Whatever the judgment of history will be for this 9th House of Representatives, whether for good or not, will depend largely on the conduct and the activities of the committees we are inaugurating today.

“In constituting these committees, the leadership of the House of Representatives, have taken our time to ensure that members are assigned to committees that fit perfectly with their legislative interests and priorities, their prior experience and skills as well as the identified needs of the constituencies they represent.

“It is now left to you; Chairmen and members, to go forward and show yourself capable of meeting the responsibilities to which you have been assigned and deserving of the mandate which you hold in trust for the Nigerian people.

“I charge you to be dutiful in the discharge of your constitutional responsibilities of oversight and law-making, taking every care to ensure that at all times your conduct is without reproach, and your service is motivated only by considerations of the best interests of our country.

“You know as well as I do, that our country is at this time contending with serious challenges on multiple fronts. From the economy to national security, social justice to healthcare, infrastructure to the environment and climate change, this is a time that calls for determined efforts to achieve substantive reform and ensure that our country can overcome its challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that abound for economic advancement and social development. I trust that as you recognise these realities, your efforts will reflect this recognition, and be motivated therefrom.

“Let me use this opportunity to appeal to the Ministries, Departments and Agencies of government for their cooperation and collaboration. It is only through our joint efforts that we can meet the objectives of the administration and keep the promises we have made to the Nigerian people.

“We in the House of Representatives intend without reservation to exercise the full authority of the legislature as it relates to the oversight of the MDAs. However, our purposes are not punitive, neither are our intentions adversarial, but in furtherance of our shared objectives of national development, peace, progress and prosperity for all.”

Speaker Gbajabimila directed the ad – hoc committees on the Niger Delta Development Commission and that on the Ports and Harbours are to conclude their investigations and submit their reports by Friday the 4th of October 2019.

He also asked all other ad – hoc committees are to conclude their activities and submit their reports before the 14th of October 2019, adding that already, the House has begun to act on some of the issues they have unearthed and the recommendations they have made, assuring that “these efforts will continue through the respective standing committees.”

He maintained that “the job of nation-building is a joint task and the ambitions we have for our country can only be achieved through the dedicated efforts of every citizen, especially those of us elected officials in whom our fellow citizens have invested their hopes, their dreams and their expectations of a better life for themselves and a better future for their children.

“We must never lose sight of this reality as to do so will be a betrayal of our commitments to God and country.”

Former leaders of the House including Ghali Na’abba, Patricia Ette, former House Leader Mullikat Akande, Abdul Ningi, former Clerks of the house among others attended the inauguration.