Sterling Bank Plc, has been commended by the Kwara State Government, for actualising its Kwara Health Insurance Scheme (KSHIS), which has been dormant since is inauguration three years ago.

Kwara State Governor, Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq, stated this in Ilorin, the state capital, on Friday during the official re-launch of the scheme. The governor said the resurrection of the scheme, shows a direct response by the state government, to ensure that Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), was achieved in the state by 2030. This is access to good health and well being.

According to the state’s governor, the scheme will start as a test run, with 10,000 indigenes of Kwara State across the 16 local government areas of the state. Governor Abdulrazaq noted that this health insurance scheme, would strengthen life expectancy of the people, as well as promote good health and boost the economy. He noted that the scheme has potential to prevent a sudden fall into poverty among indigenes, due to any health crisis.

The Executive Director, Institutional Banking, Sterling Bank, Mr. Emmanuel Emefienim said, that the bank decided to partner with Kwara State Government, as part of its commitment to developing the health sector in the country.