The State of the Nation, By Aondover Msughter

NEWS DIGEST – Nigeria is passing through a lot of difficulties and unpredicted circumstances that is prohibiting development in the country over the years. In my experience as a writer, I have captured Nigeria saga in some of my books which led to this current state of the nation. In one of my books titled “The Painful Victory of Africa”, the lost glory of this nation was demonstrated which is as a result of the mischievous deeds of some bad eggs among elites who amass wealth, yet have nothing tangible to contribute to the development of this nation and thus attributing blames to other categories of people in the society.

The failure of leaders to restore peaceful coexistence, meaningful standard of living, unionism, oneness in spirit and brotherhood are among the reasons that fertile the germination of this nation into the current state it is today. The catastrophic turn of event especially in recent times is driving this country into an ocean of tears. The living condition in Nigeria is incomparable to that of hell fire that is yet to be witness. A country where human blood flows like water. A country where people are singing songs of praise whenever there is a massacre. What a nation!

That reminds me of my other book titled “Tears of Destiny” which rooted on how others are lucky while others are unlucky. The escapades in ability and disability create a deep hole in the heart of others where tears seem to be the only thing to fill the vacuum created in their hearts. Some people have continuously mourned their loved ones who were slaughtered and butchered like pieces of meat, yet they couldn’t ascertain those behind the killings. They continue living with this agony in this unfavourable part of the planet called Nigeria.

I think this is the more reason why another title of my book was captioned “The Ghost Gun”. As the frightening lesson in the book was based on the fact of having lost moral authority among a few people in the society who are totally paralyzed with fear, the fear of terrors, such as the killing of innocent souls and energetic people that hold the centre of the society without stress.

Look at the way people are dying day-in and day-out yet the perpetrators are not brought to book. I think it is a ghost gun that is behind this because it is on record that Nigeria has played pivotal roles in peace keeping missions in Africa. As the preponderant power in West Africa, Nigeria has been the main provider of military for countries like Cote d’lvoire, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali and Sierra Leone. Despite this fantastic record in history, Nigeria is bedeviled with countless cases of massacres and massive burial in some states.

Could this be the reason why one among my books was titled “Freedom in the Grave”?  Perhaps, in witnessing this bloodshed here and there, at least life is little promising elsewhere in the world, which could be the grave yard. At least there is peace and tranquility in the grave. It is a place for all without sundry and no wanton is befallen. A place where harmonious relationship among people is well recognised and respected unlike in this place called land of death.

Grave is better off than what we call “the giant of Africa”. Indeed, the grave yard is better than this giant of corruption, giant of bloodshed, giant of agony where people are dying in pains, solitudes including massive attendance of massacres. In Nigeria today, states like Benue, Taraba, Kaduna, Maiduguri, Adamawa, to mention but a few need a befitting name like ‘grave yard states’ where wanton killings have taken the lead.

There is no gainsaying that this premeasured stolen dreams of innocent souls in these states sustained and stimulate my interest to put in place another book titled “A Shattered Dream”, which addresses the theme of death and the inability to locate the shadow causes of these crisis that are pushing the lives of people into a pit hole where silent remains forever. Thus, this current state of the nation is really pushing me to inscribe another title of a book “Someone Somewhere” where the spotlight will be on those who are responsible for pushing the lives of innocent souls in a place where silent remains forever. Indeed, Nigeria is in dire need of a miracle but when will this miracle come?

Aondover Eric Msughter, Department of Mass Communication,

Bayero University, Kano.

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