The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, has hailed former President Muhammadu Buhari as he clocks 81 on Sunday.

Speaker Abbas, in his congrat­ulatory message to the former president, described Buhari as an elder statesman and a disciplined personality.

Abbas, according to a state­ment issued on Saturday by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Musa Abdullahi Krishi, said Buhari’s invaluable contributions to the growth and development of Nigeria were laudable.

“I congratulate former Presi­dent Muhammadu Buhari, as he clocks 81. He has paid his dues, both as a military officer and as a civilian.

“It is my prayer that Allah grants him more years on earth, and in good health.”

Also, Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State extended warm birthday wishes to the former president.

Bello, on behalf of his family, the government, and the people of Kogi State, celebrated the oc­togenarian’s remarkable journey with admiration and respect.

This was made known in a statement on Saturday by On­ogwu Muhammed, Chief Press Secretary to the Governor.

Part of the statement read: “I, Alh. Yahaya Bello, the Executive Governor of Kogi State, extended heartfelt congratulations to the former military and civilian lead­er of our nation, Muhammadu Buhari, on his 81st birthday.

“Baba, your unwavering com­mitment and patriotism in serv­ing our dear nation have made you an icon of good governance and transparency.”