Mr. Charles Odii, the Director General of SMEDAN during a visit to Mallam Jibrin Baba Ndace, the Director General/CEO of VON.
Mr. Charles Odii, the Director General of SMEDAN during a visit to Mallam Jibrin Baba Ndace, the Director General/CEO of VON.

SMEDAN, VON Partner to Sensitize Nigerians on MSME Empowerment in Line with President Tinubu’s Agenda

NEWS DIGEST – The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) and Voice of Nigeria (VON) have joined forces to sensitize Nigerians on the critical role of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in fostering economic empowerment and growth.

This initiative aligns seamlessly with President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda, which underscores the importance of inclusive economic development and opportunities for all.

Mr. Charles Odii, the Director General of SMEDAN during a visit to Mallam Jibrin Baba Ndace, the Director General/CEO of VON, formalized the partnership, aiming to raise awareness about the significance of MSMEs in the national development agenda outlined by President Tinubu.

The collaboration seeks to engage the public in understanding and supporting initiatives that promote the growth and sustainability of small businesses, mirroring the broader vision of the nation’s leadership.

The joint effort will leverage VON’s extensive and multilingual media platforms to disseminate information about SMEDAN’s initiatives, emphasizing the positive impact of MSMEs on grassroots-level economic prosperity as envisioned by President Tinubu.

Through targeted campaigns and informative programming, the partnership aims to reach a broad audience and ensure that Nigerians are well-informed about the government’s commitment to supporting and empowering small businesses in alignment with the Renewed Hope Agenda.

The sensitization campaign will not only shed light on the vast opportunities available for MSMEs but also highlight the importance of realizing President Tinubu’s vision for a prosperous and inclusive Nigeria.

As SMEDAN and VON combine their expertise and resources, the partnership is poised to contribute significantly to the success and sustainability of small businesses, playing a vital role in the realization of President Tinubu’s agenda for national development and economic prosperity.