The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has urged President Bola Tinubu to enact legislation against sexual harassment in higher education.

The call is coming after the suspension of the dean of faculty of law at the University of Calabar, over sexual harassment allegations.

The Association’s president, Pedro Chibuzo Obi, said in a statement on Monday that “pervasive practice in our Tertiary institutions by randy teachers who have transformed themselves to beast” will halt if the president signed the law.

Obi stated that everyone should take note of the recent demonstration carried out by University of Calabar students.

The statement reads: “As an association, we feel inundated by the campaign for Nigerian President to assent the Sexual Harassment in Tertiary Educational Institutions Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Bill which has been passed since 2020 by the National Assembly.

“It is very important for the President to give his assent to the bill as a long-lasting measure towards putting an end to this pervasive practice in our Tertiary institutions by randy lecturers who have turned themselves to beasts. The President must assent this bill because our campuses are gradually becoming notoriously unsafe and hostile for our female students.

“We believe that once this bill is assented to, it will help curb this evil menace which is gradually becoming an impediment for the girl-child to access education. The UNICAL uprising against one Law Professor Cyril Ndifon and the Nnamdi Azikiwe Universe, Awka is still fresh in our memories. We believe that if the bill had been assented to, these randy lecturers would have had their days in court and serve as deterrence for others.

“It is public knowledge that sexual harassment is being increasingly reported in academic campuses and, no doubt, has lasting social and psychological consequences on the victims. In Nigeria of today, it is pervasive and is a major issue of concern to us as a Students’ body.

“We understand that several higher institutions such as Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife have adopted anti-harassment policies and units. However, the President must assent the bill in order to make our tertiary institutions become a safe haven.

“Also, our institutions of higher learning must be compelled by law to provide safe learning environment by preventing, monitoring and swiftly and decisively punishing sexual harassment.

“Beyond sacking and demotion, culpable lecturers must be prosecuted in the law court. And, this can only be achieved when the President gives assent to the Special Harassment in Tertiary Educational Institutions Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Bill.”