NASS: Nasif Sholagberu felicitates Saliu Mustapha, Shagaya on Inauguration

The Publisher and CEO of Sho Pen Online Publications, Mallam Nasif Sholagberu has congratulated Kwara Central Senator Elect, Mallam Saliu Mustapha on his inauguration as the 8th Senator to represent Kwara Central senatorial district in the 10th National Assembly.

Saliu Mustapha who is also the Turaki-Ngeri of Ilorin Emirate was elected on February 25th General Elections, under the platform of the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC.

Sholagberu in his congratulatory message released on Wednesday by Abdullahi Sanni; Senior News Reporter of Sho Pen Online, described Saliu Mustapha as an individual who have always helped by providing appropriate solutions whenever needed. Even while not at any public office.

In similar development, Sholagberu expressed his heartfelt congratulations to Honorable Mukthar Tolani Shagaya, member representing Asa/Ilorin Federal Constituency at the Green Chamber.

Shagaya who was elected under the platform of APC is the son of a Business Tycoon, Hajia Muinat Shagaya.

The young media entrepreneur described Mukthar as a vibrant youth that have the requisite Knowledge and Wisdom to protect the interest of Asa/Ilorin West constituents.

Sholagberu said: “I want to on behalf of myself and my media organization (SHO PEN ONLINE) wish you all best in your new position. I’m very confident that you will surely make a significant impact in the lives of your constituents.

“I pledged our total support in your new task and we at SHO PEN stand ready to work collaboratively with you in order to ensure you have an effective publicity and visibility during your tenure in office.

“May God Almighty Guide and Guard you in your new office.”

He therefore called for togetherness among the good people of Ilorin Emirate, irrespective of political affiliations to support the newly elected representatives both at State Assembly and National Assembly.