Kashim Shettima
Kashim Shettima

Vice President Kashim Shettima on Monday urged members of the National Council on Privatisation, NCP, to ensure their economic decisions and reforms impacted on the lives of Nigerians.

Mr Shettima made the call in his remark at induction programme for members of the NCP and other critical stakeholders at the conference hall of the National Intelligence Agency’s, NIA, Headquarters, Abuja.

Mr Shettima on Friday inaugurated the newly constituted members of the NCP to work towards actualising the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Tinubu’s administration.

Mr Shettima, while declaring the induction open enjoined them to defy the way things were being done in the past with a view to pave way for economic growth that was in harmony with the aspirations of the citizens.

“This retreat is for each of us to, once again, pledge our allegiance not only to our roles but to the aspirations of every Nigerian.

”Our decisions here must transcend the boardrooms; they must resonate in the lives of our fellow citizens, from Abia down through Lagos and to Zamfara states.

“We must stand together to pave the way for a nation in tune with the dynamics of the changing world.”

The vice president, who the Chairman of the NCP expressed confident that all the council members would understand the need to be more inclined to engage wholeheartedly.

”And challenge conventions, and envision a future where the engines of economic growth roar harmoniously with the aspirations of our people. But, then, we are not there to consider an alternative path.”

Mr Shettima also told the NCP members categorically that they cannot afford to write the chapter of the nation’s history unfavourably in the voyage of discovery they were embarking on.

He said: ”A lot depended on the solutions you proffer in the pursuit of their mandate to make Nigeria a vineyard of economic opportunities.”

Mr Shettima reminded members of the council that the task before them demands going to every horizon of the hotbed of opportunities to initiate transformative reforms and to collaborate.

He implored them to embed the reforms they were set to make in President Tinubu’s eight-point renewed hope agenda.

”Whatever we set out to adopt as the cardinal of our reforms must be embedded in the eight-point presidential priorities announced by President Bola Tinubu.