Shehu Tijjani Calls on African Leaders to Tap into the Semiconductors Market

NEWS DIGEST – Mr. Shehu Tijjani Abdullahi, Chief Executive Officer of Amaltech Technologies, is extending his call beyond national borders, urging African leaders to recognize the immense potential of the semiconductor market. With a focus on tapping into this market, Tijjani aims to catalyze robust economic growth across the continent.

In a significant move, Tijjani’s call comes in the wake of advising President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the leader of Nigeria, on the importance of substantial investments in semiconductor technology and chips production. This advice underscores the essential nature of these investments as pivotal steps towards economic expansion.

During a media briefing, Shehu Tijjani underlines the paramount importance of harnessing semiconductor technology’s potential to drive economic progress and elevate the industrial horizons of nations across Africa.

Tijjani emphasizes, “African leaders need to prioritize investments in semiconductor technology and chips production, recognizing its capacity to fuel economic diversification, especially in the context of the continent’s socio-economic landscape.”

The visionary industrialist highlights the fundamental role that semiconductor technology plays in modern economies.

“Investing in this sector has the power to unlock substantial foreign exchange earnings through localized processing of raw materials and the export of semiconductor products,” explains Tijjani. This approach, in turn, can spark job creation, bolster local content development, and contribute to a more resilient economic environment for African countries.

He points out the global trend, underscoring the fact that leading nations have already recognized the strategic significance of investing in semiconductor technology. Tijjani draws attention to the events of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, which magnified worldwide semiconductor shortages due to insufficient investment. This serves as a reminder of the pressing need for self-sufficiency in this critical sector.

Mr. Tijjani, a distinguished first-class graduate of software engineering from Middlesex University, underscores the untapped potential of African youth in driving technological innovation and growth.

He comments, “Recognizing the vast capacities of Africa’s youth in steering technological progress, there is an imperative to enhance awareness and educate the emerging generation about the myriad of opportunities embedded within semiconductor technology. By fostering an environment conducive to nurturing skills and innovation, African nations can strategically position themselves as formidable contenders on the global semiconductor production stage.”

His call for African nations to invest in semiconductors and chips production echoes as a strategic imperative for achieving economic diversification and growth. In a rapidly evolving global market, Africa stands at a pivotal juncture to embrace technology-driven growth and secure its position in the future of industry and innovation.

In extending his advocacy to African leaders, Shehu Tijjani’s impassioned call echoes as a clarion call to harness the immense potential of the semiconductor market, fostering economic growth and innovation across the continent.