Sex-for-mark Scandal
Monica Osagie and Professor Akindele

Sextortion in Nigeria: Cases and conclusions

NEWS DIGEST – In this report THE NEWS DIGEST Olugbenga Toki takes a look at top sextortion cases that rocked Nigeria and their conclusion.

Sextortion refers to the broad category of sexual exploitation in which abuse of power is the means of coercion, as well as to the category of sexual exploitation in which threatened release of sexual images or information is the means of coercion.

As used to describe an abuse of power, sextortion is a form of corruption in which people entrusted with power – such as government officials, judges, educators, law enforcement personnel, and employers – seek to extort sexual favors in exchange for something within their authority to grant or withhold.

Below are series of such instances in Nigeria higher institution of learning:

1) This incident happened at Ambrose Alli University (AAU) between Ivie Okosun, and a university Don, Dr Otubu.

On July 17, 2010, a lecturer at the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Dr. Peter Otubu, was embroiled in sex-for-marks scandal with Ivie Judith, a 400-level engineering student.

Otubu, a Catholic Knight of Saint Mulumba (KSM), was publicly stripped in the student’s residence while allegedly attempting to have sex with her(Judith).

Judith was later found guilty of “breaching her matriculation oath” by the two committees set up to investigate the case and suspended for six semesters. Otubu was fired by the university in October 2010.

The Vice chancellor of the institution, Prof. Sam Uniamikogbo, said: “Dr. Otubu was considered chaste, as he had helped the institution to bust a lecturer who habitually demanded sex from a married undergraduate.

“It was Otubu that we put on the case. The married woman was told to play along. Otubu helped us to arrest the lecturer at the hotel to which he had invited the woman. I could never have imagined that a man we thought was a clean and veritable role model would be involved in this kind of scandal,” Uniamikogbo said.

However, a magistrate court sitting in Ekpoma,  Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State has convicted two females, Judith Ivie Okosun and Juliet Obehi Okosun, who are both graduates of the Ambrose Alli University ( AAU).

Chief Magistrate Maltina Iluobe in charge sheet No: MEK /18C /2012, committed Juliet Obehi Okosun to two years imprisonment for unlawful detention and indecent assault on a university don.

The court held that Judith Ivie Okosun was also convicted for one year jail term for unlawful detention of the lecturer in connection with sexual harassment scandal, which precipitated to the dismissal of Dr. Otubu, over seven years ago.

The first and second accused persons were convicted with an option of fine on count four, which bothers on indecent assault, while her sister, Juliet was found guilty on count eight for unlawful detention of the lecturer.

An elated Otubu said the judgment has vindicated him, adding that, “ the principal suspect, Ivie Okosun, and her sister, Juliet have been jailed. Whether they were given an option of fine or not. I am satisfied,  as the judgment has proved my innocence. To correct the erroneous impression, I was never dismissed from AAU, my appointment was terminated due to the video that was posted on the internet.”

The court recalled that Juliet Obehi Okosun (second accused person) had admitted in her evidence before the court that she had the key to the apartment where (first accused person ), Judith Ivie Okosun, unlawfully assaulted Dr. Otubu who was held hostage and stripped naked at their one room apartment in a private female hostel near the University campus on 17th July 2010.

In count 8, the court, ruled that the failure of Juliet Obehi Okosun to open the door of their living room and release Dr. Otubu who was made to raise the sum of N 100 , 000. 00 ( One Hundred Naira ) cheque in favour of Judith Ivie Okosun for the inhuman treatment against Dr. Peter Otubu under the same circumstance.

The court specifically established that in the recorded video clips which was also posted in the internet by one Oziengbe, now at large, that the second accused person had told the court that she was in possession of the key to their apartment where Dr. Peter Otubu was held  making her liable for conviction with an option of fine of N 30, 000 for unlawful detention.

Chief Magistrate Maltina Iluobe, however , discharged and acquitted Judith Ivie Okosun ( 24 ) and Juliet Obehi Okosun ( 22) who were both undergraduate students at AAU at the time they were charged to court on count 1 , 5, and 6 which bothers on conspiracy and stealing and frivolous petition against Dr . Peter Otubu, following the failure or the prosecution to prove to the court.

It also discharged and acquitted the 3 rd to 7th accused persons , Esther Ogbeide ( 21), Samson Ogbeide ( 32 ), Igbudu Samuel ( 42 ), Ojeabulu Eghosa Clement ( 37 ) and Aruya Ohis Williams ( 24 ) for lack of substantial evidence.

The court particularly frowned at Dr. Otubu’s conduct who it said “suffered from the sins of immorality to have gone to the room of his student which resulted in the show of shame”, humiliation and torture which left his career in ruins .

“This court is of the view that there is a very strong conspiracy and set up against the Dr Otubu, even though the defense counsel had submitted before the court that suspicion does not amount to conspiracy.

The court also held that “throughout the length and breadth of the case , there is a thread which runs through criminal procedure of the case against the accused persons.

“ Therefore, I hold that count 1, has not been proved as required by law.

“ For count 2, the the first and second accused persons had testified that , the allegations were communicated to the school authorities about the show of shame .“ I believe them in this because judging from the position of the the Principal Witness ( PW1) and the first accused person , the whole truth was found and doctored , such situation is highly embarrassing to him as a lecturer, his family and the University Community” , the court said.

The court also confirmed that the Institution had launched an internal preliminary investigation into sexual harassment saga between Judith Ivie Okosun and Dr. Otubu who was her elective course lecturer in exchange to lay with her which may not have prevented her from graduating except her carryover courses had piled

Responding , Counsel to the defendants , Mr . Olayowola Afolabi, align with the judgement on sexual promiscuity of PW 1 as “ a show of shame ” , but however pleaded with the court for clemency for the convicted persons on ground that they were first offenders , stressing that the second convict is a nursing mother.

2)Monica Osagie and Professor Akindele

Monica Osagie, the student in sex for mark scandal has opened up on what really happened between her and her lecturer, Professor Raphael Akindele.

In an interview with CNN, Osagie said she helped the professor edit his book, adding that she saw him as her mentor.

However, the man wanted more and she said that she became uncomfortable with the relationship.

She said “We actually edited the book together… Then, the next thing he told me was, ‘Can you date me? “I was like, ‘No.’ He was like, ‘Why?’ I said, ‘One, I don’t date lecturers, and secondly, you are more matured than I am.”

Speaking further, Osagie said that the professor gave her low marks on purpose, so she would agree to sleep with him.

“He kept calling me to ask if I was ready to accept his proposal. So, I decided to record our next conversation,” she added.

The conversation between Osagie and the man alleged to be Professor Akindele Richard was leaked online on Monday, April 9, 2018.

In the recording, a man was heard telling the lady that he will have sex with her five times before he increases her exam score.

Osagie however denies leaking the audio recording, adding that she submitted it to the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) management.

According to CNN, the university authorities issued a statement on their website identifying the man in the audio recording as Professor Akindele Richard.

The statement reads: “Professor Richard I. Akindele, of the department of management and accounting, is now established to be the lecturer in the controversial “marks for sex” audio recording. The female voice has also been identified as that of Miss Monica Osetobe Osagie, a postgraduate student on the Master of Business Administration Regular programme.”

Osagie also told CNN that she has faced a lot of criticism on social media.
She said that people have accosted her on the road and accused her of seducing the lecturer.

According to her, “A guy came up to me at the bank and said, ‘Is this not the girl who harassed a lecturer?’ and he called me a prostitute. The security guard then had to push me away to go withdraw my money inside the bank.”

She however said that she is happy that she could speak out, adding that it will help other ladies going through the same problem to come out.

“I am actually happy I came out. I am helping many ladies that have gone through the same thing I have gone through, and most of them can’t talk about it.

“They are scared of coming out in public. But I know it happens everywhere, not just in Nigeria. For me, speaking up will bring more women to speak and eradicate what is happening around young women and older men.

“There is no work or … education that is worth your dignity. I will keep saying that,” she added.

Osagie was also invited by an investigative panel to shed more light on what transpired between her and the professor.

Her lawyer, Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi who was at the panel sitting with her, said that more victims have contacted his client to share their experience with the same professor.

OAU’s spokesman, Abiodun Olarewaju, while speaking on the outcome of the panel, said the university council give a final verdict on the issue.

Olarewaju said “What is being investigated is the allegation leveled by the student against her lecturer. The university’s council will make the final decision on the report the vice chancellor has submitted on the case.

“This is because of the caliber of the lecturer involved.”

Meanwhile, Prof Akindele has been suspended following the recommendation of the committee in their interim report.

3)Dr Olabode Ojoniyi and Mercy Ikwue

The Governing Council of the Osun State University, Osogbo, has sacked Dr. Olabode Ojoniyi of the Department of Languages and Linguistics, Ikire Campus, whose sex video with one of his students, Mercy Ikwue went viral a while back.

Olabode who is married with children, tried to solicit sex for increased marks from Mercy.

According to a member of the Governing Council who confirmed the sack of Ojoniyi said:

“The Council met last week and the report of the panel that investigated Ojoniyi’s amorous affair with the female student was deliberated upon. His appointment was terminated because that is the penalty stated in the Code of Conduct of Staff of Osun State University.”

The female student was said to have been pressurized by Ojoniyi for sex and she eventually agreed and followed him to their agreed place with a laptop while unknown to him, she was actually recording their sexual activities though she acted like she was watching a movie.

Ojoniyi had accused one of the lecturers of the university, who was recently dismissed for an alleged misconduct as the person behind the drama. According to him, the lady was contracted to blackmail him. But Ojoniyi did not deny being the one in the video.

4)Dr Francis Fakoya and Funke Dezarn

Dr. Francis Fakoya, was also accused of sexual harassment by a former medical student, Funke Dezarn. The lady accused him of masterminding her failure at the medical school because she refused to sleep with him.

Dezarn, who named the lecturer on her Facebook wall, alleged that Fakoya taught her in the Anatomy Department of OAU, and was in the habit of punishing students for “refusing his sexual advances.” She claimed the incident happened 14 years ago and he failed her in Part Two and Three.

Already, authorities of St. George’s University, a private international institution in Grenada, West Indies, have started investigation into the allegation against Fakoya. Two other universities, Northumbria University, Newcastle, United Kingdom, and OAU have also launched separate investigations.

Another recent case of sextortion is between a former commissioner in Ogun state, Prof Olusegun Awonusi and a yet to be identified female undergraduate student who claim that she is not the first victim of the man although the management of University of Lagos has called on people with evidence(s) to come forward with it and even created an online platform for it so as to aid their investigation.

Lastly, Both male and female are involved in sextortion cases. Most students contacted said it happens in their institution but due to the fear of victimization and stigmatization most people do not want to talk about it. The students cut across some randomly selected schools across the nation, the most amazing thing about this whole issue is that their is no specific law in the constitution guiding against sextortion in Nigeria right now.

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