After enduring displacement due to the Boko Haram insurgency in 2014, John Ashifa has reached a significant milestone by matriculating at Nassarawa State University, seven years later.

John Ashifa and his family were among those displaced to Abuja in 2014 during the Boko Haram insurgency in Borno state.

Following his displacement to Abuja, Ashifa became a beneficiary of Project Tutored, an initiative by @evergreenngo aimed at supporting Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and individuals from low-income communities through summer school programs.

Ashifa excelled as one of the top students and earned a scholarship from us to pursue further education.

According to the organisation, Ashifa’s journey epitomises resilience and hope.

“As a beneficiary of Project Tutored, he defied the odds, matriculating after seven years of unwavering dedication. From the Kuchingoro IDP camp to Nassarawa State University, his story inspires us all. Despite the challenges of the Boko Haram insurgency and the living conditions within the camp, his diligence and hard work shines brightly.

“Today, we celebrate his triumph and the transformative power of education.

“Special shoutout to our partners, volunteers and donors over the years for their unwavering support. I wish Ashifa the very best in this new chapter. Congratulations!,” the organisation disclosed.