Senate on Tuesday at plenary constituted an ad hoc committee to investigate alleged unauthorised spending by Niger- Delta Development Commission, NDDC, for 2021 and 2022 budget estimates.

Senate also stood down consideration of report of 2023 budget estimates of the commission.

Senate resolution followed a motion by Sen.Adamu Alero (PDP- Kebbi), alleging unauthorised spending by NDDC on its 2021,2022 and 2023 budget estimates.

Aleros’ motion and objection to consideration of the budgets was after reports on three budget estimates of NDDC was presented by Committee Chairman on Niger Delta Sen.Amos Bulus.

Alero said it was a breach of the constitution by NDDC to engage on expenditure on the budget extimates without approval of the National Assembly.

Other Senators, who raised concern over the consideration of the budgets were Senators Seriake Dickson (PDP-Bayelsa) and Solomon Adeola (APC-Lagos).

Adeola said there was an urgent need to carefully look at the 2023 budget estimates of NDDC as clarifications and further information was required on figures presented on the budget.

But Sen. Degi Biobarakuma (PDP-Bayelsa) urged the Senate to consider the 2023 budget as the budget extimates of the commission was presented before the national assembly on time.

President of Senate, Dr. Ahmad Lawan said there was an authorised expenditure from 2021 and 2022 budgets of the commission.

“We are faced with situation where expenditure was done probably for more than six months or probably 80 per cent of the expenditure has been done and we need to know what has happened.”

He said the term of reference of the committee was to investigate the financial activities of NDDC in the 2021 and 2022 budget estimates and report back in one week.

Senate consequently stood down consideration of the 2023 budget of the NDDC for further information and clarification on the figures contained in the budget and set up an ad hoc committee to investigate alleged unauthorised financial activities of NDDC for 2021 and 2022 budget estimates.