Saudi Arabia Takes Diplomatic Lead in Ukraine Peace Talks

As tensions continue to persist in Ukraine, National Security Advisors and representatives from over 40 countries and international organizations, including the United Nations, gathered in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Saturday, 5th August, to address the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict, in order to facilitate peace and stability between the two countries.

The meeting, chaired by Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State and Member of the Council of Ministers, National Security Advisor Dr. Mosaad bin Mohammad Al-Aiban emphasized the necessity of continuing international consultations and constructive dialogues to find common ground and pave the way for lasting peace in Ukraine.

The Jeddah meeting serves as a diplomatic initiative of the Crown Prince, Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, who has been pursuing this resolution since March 2022.

Countries and organizations represented in the meeting included: United Nations, United States, United Kingdom, the Argentine Republic, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Bulgaria, Canada, the Republic of Chile, the People’s Republic of China, the Union of the Comoros, and the Czech Republic, among others.

The meeting has recognized the urgency of collective action in finding a resolution especially that the conflict’s impact has reverberated globally, affecting stability and security in the region and beyond.

With such a diverse and influential group of participants, the Jeddah meeting holds the promise of fostering deeper cooperation and mutual understanding among nations and international organizations.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with its esteemed partners, remains resolute in its dedication to promoting peace, stability, and security in Ukraine and across the globe. As the world watches, the international community stands united in its efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the Ukrainian conflict.

The participants expressed their gratitude to the Saudi Arabian leadership for calling and hosting the crucial meeting.