The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Oil and Sustainability Program (OSP), through its Clean Fuel Solutions for Cooking Initiative known as Forward7, has collaborated with the Ministry of Petroleum Resources to launch the National Human Capacity Training Programme. This initiative focuses on promoting the adoption of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) for clean cooking and job creation in Nigeria.

According to an official statement, the primary objective of the programme is to address the existing gaps in the availability and accessibility of LPG for cooking purposes. To achieve this, a strategic plan has been devised, which includes the establishment of micro-distribution points and retail outlets across the nation. These distribution points will play a crucial role in ensuring that LPG becomes more readily available to communities.

The programme entails the establishment of numerous micro-distribution points and retail outlets throughout Nigeria. It will be facilitated by various activities, including mobilization, sensitization, and training of local communities. Through these efforts, the aim is to encourage the widespread adoption of LPG as a cleaner alternative to traditional cooking fuels such as coal and wood.

In a statement, officials emphasized the significance of this collaborative effort, highlighting it as a major commitment by the Nigerian government towards achieving its environmental and social development goals. Moreover, this initiative aligns with the Kingdom’s Middle East Green Initiative (MGI)’s Clean Fuel Solutions for Cooking Initiative, launched in 2021. The overarching goal of the MGI initiative is to provide clean cooking solutions to 750 million people worldwide.

The programme led by OSP specifically targets populations that are disproportionately affected by health risks and environmental damage due to the usage of harmful traditional cooking practices. By promoting the adoption of LPG, the initiative aims to mitigate these risks and contribute to sustainable development in Nigeria.