Bukola Saraki
Bukola Saraki
Why Saraki Deserves the Presidential Mandate, By Auwal Nasir

NEWS DIGEST – ‘Vox Populi, Vox Dei’ is Latin for “the voice of the people is the voice of God.” This phrase was used as the title of a Whig tract of 1709, which was expanded in 1710. Ever since then, it has become a cult phrase in all parlance of semantic, linguistic and grammatical inter-relationship. What better threshold exists to this phrase if not the area of politics of representation?

On the 15th of September 2018, a large crowd gathered at the popular Taiwo Ibrahim road, Ilorin — the capital of Kwara State, Nigeria — for a mass rally in support of the presidential ambition of Dr Abubakar Bukola Saraki.

As the enthusiastic youths covered several kilometers by foot in the scorching sun, they were joined in the process by jubilant market men and women, as well as residents in proximity, raising banners, waving flags and singing praises in support of their ‘son’, consolidating his quest to grow Nigeria by salvaging it from its current precarious state, and making it the true giant of Africa not just on paper but in reality.

Amidst the euphoria exhibited by the participants of this mass march, one could not but perceive a validation of the massive support enjoyed by Saraki in Kwara State. While the rally cemented the legacy of this noble man in the State, it also painted a lucid picture and sent a strong message to Kwarans in diaspora and the generality of Nigerians, signaling the overwhelming acceptance enjoyed by Saraki in his place of origin, after all charity begins at home.

It would be out of place to continue this piece without recognizing the laudable efforts of Honorable Olanrewaju Oba — a proper son of the soil — towards spear-heading the mass march under the aegis of The Olanrewaju Oba Youth Forum (TOOYF), which is a brain-child of the noble Youngman. The immense contribution of Olanrewaju Oba (who on that day, declared his intention to vie for a seat in the Federal House of Representatives, representing Asa/Ilorin West Federal Constituency), went a long way in contributing to the success of the rally.

One might wonder why Saraki enjoys so much support. The answer is not farfetched because the truth of the matter is that the mass march is the least Saraki deserves and the events that played out in Ilorin last Saturday, typify only a fraction of the support Saraki enjoys from various parts of the country. This great man has endeared himself to a myriad of Nigerians especially the youth, right from his spell as Governor of Kwara state between 2003 and 2011, up till now that he is serving in the capacity of Senate President of this great Nation. Words alone cannot do justice to the wonderful achievements of Bukola Saraki. He has left indelible legacies in all leadership positions he has found himself and his impactful contributions to all facets of service to the nation, and humanity at large will always be remembered and appreciated by posterity.

Highlighting Saraki’s major achievements since he fully embarked on a political voyage by assuming office of the governor of Kwara State in May 2003, will consolidate the fact that he is a result-oriented leader whose positive impacts are always felt wherever he goes. Let’s run through some of Saraki’s major achievements in governance.

 Under Saraki, Kwara became the first state to complete the Nigeria Independent Power Project. In collaboration with the Power Holding Company of Nigeria, Saraki re-energised the Ganmo Power Station at Ilorin, and connected over 3750 rural communities to the national grid through the development and installation of 725 transformers and 7 substations. Kwara also completed 4 electrification projects which meant power became stable 18–22 hours a day.

As a Medical Doctor, he established Kwara Advanced Ultra-modern Diagnosis Centre, which is one of the best in Africa, rendering world-class service at affordable cost. This centre is widely visited from all parts of Nigeria and neighboring countries.

While in office also, Saraki introduced new health programmes, including a state-wide campaign in 2008 to reduce maternal and child mortality from malaria. This included distribution of insecticide-treated nets and free malaria drugs to pregnant mothers and to children under the age of five. A statewide programme of hospital development was also implemented, leading to the redevelopment of hospitals in Afon, Patigi and Lafiagi. Other measures included improved training and re-training for medical staff; refurbishment of hospitals and staff living quarters; and employment of qualified medical doctors and other health workers.

– Saraki started and completed the Ilorin-Oshogbo Road, Baruten road, hundreds of road constructions and rehabilitations across all the 16 local governments of the state, particularly, Ilorin and other mega cities of the state.

 His love for children spurred him into introducing the ‘every child counts’ programme and several other children-oriented policies which achieved great results.

 He spearheaded the Kwara Clean and Green Programme which positioned Kwara as the cleanest State in the country during his first tenure.

His love for sports made him establish the Kwara Football Academy (KFA) which was the talk of the world as Jose Mourinho and many international soccer stars attended its foundation laying event. Furthermore, he established his own football team, Abubakar Bukola Saraki Football Club (ABS FC) which, together with its twin team, Kwara United was always among the top clubs in the Nigerian Premier League. There is no doubt that Kwara sporting activities was at its peak during Saraki’s tenure.

 During his tenure, Saraki implemented several agricultural programmes, youths’ training and retraining programmes on farming with startup kits and grants in Malete, ADP and other parts of the state. These projected Kwara State and Dr. Bukola Saraki as the best in Agriculture. As a result, he was awarded several times by Federal Government and many agricultural NGOs as the best Nigerian Governor in Agriculture during his tenure.

As a result of Saraki’s interest in youths in government, Mallam Bolaji Abdullahi, Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed, Honourable Zakari Mohammed and so on were appointed as Commissioners in their 30s.

– Saraki embarked on Rehabilitation and Modernization of Kwara Office Complexes housing many Ministries in the year 2009 to boost the morale of Civil Servants and enhance productivity

 The creation of office of Youths Empowerment Coordinators (YEC) for all the 16 Local Government Areas through whom his unmatchable youth empowerment strides were carried out is also worthy of mention.

– Saraki also embarked on the rehabilitation of Ilorin Airport to international standard and construction of Ilorin Cargo Terminal

After leaving office as Governor of Kwara State in the year 2011 Saraki contested and won a seat in the Nigerian senate, representing Kwara Central Senatorial District. He emerged as President of Nigeria’s eight Senate on June 9, 2018. During Saraki’s tenure, the Senate has experienced immense advancement that makes it the most productive since 1999. Putting into proper context, the Senate has passed 213 Bills and cleared 138 Petitions submitted by the public. It has surpassed the 5th Senate which with 129 bills in four years had the highest number of bills, as against the 6th Senate with 72 bills, and 128 passed by the 7th Senate.

Furthermore, the present Senate under Saraki’s leadership has worked to grow the economy by passing Bills like the Companies and Allied Matters Act; the Secured Transactions in Movable Assets Act; the Credit Bureau Reporting Act and the Warehouse Receipts Bill; Nigerian Railways Authority Bill; National Transportation Commission Bill which are aimed at providing significant reforms to our business environment and strengthening our lending legislative frameworks. The impact of the Secured Transactions in Movable Assets Act and the Credit Bureau Reporting Act became apparent immediately after they were signed into law as they form the basis for which the World Bank upgraded the rating of Nigeria in its Annual Ease of Doing Business rating.

Also of note is the passage of the Constitution amendment bills, some of which will change the landscape of governance in Nigeria. Some of the bills like the ‘Not Too Young to Run’ (which has been signed into law), the Financial Autonomy for Local Government Bill, Financial Autonomy for Houses of Assembly among others are aimed at improving governance and ensuring that government serves people better.

In supporting the fight against corruption, the Senate under Saraki’s leadership has passed Bills like: the Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit Bill; the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Bill; the Witness Protection Bill; the Whistleblower Protection Bill and the Federal Audit Service Commission Bill. Also, high-level corruption in the management of the North-East relief efforts was exposed, and the North-East Development Commission Bill was passed and has now been signed into law.

In order to bring government closer to the governed, the Senate under Saraki’s leadership has taken deliberate measures aimed at opening up the institution for better understanding by members of the public. These measures include providing details and breakdown of the annual budget of the National Assembly, holding of public hearing(s) as part of the budget preparation process, the proposed Open Nass week aimed at engaging with other arms of government and civil society groups and the frequent discussions with a view to resolving issues involving labour unions, government and other stakeholders.

With due regard to the foregoing, it is clear without an iota of doubt that Dr Abubakar Bukola Saraki is an achiever in every sense of leadership. He is someone who always makes a positive impact and leaves an indelible legacy in every capacity he is privileged to serve. His track record speaks volume and consolidates the fact that Saraki deserves to be accorded the platform to grow Nigeria in the capacity of the President of this great Nation. If given the mandate, Nigerians should expect exemplary leadership, impactful service and result-oriented representation. Government will be brought to the doorsteps of all individuals and every person will be able to say — with a chest-beating assurance — that he/she benefitted immensely from having Saraki as the president of this great Nation.

The #1MillionMassMarch for Saraki organised by the Olanrewaju Oba Youth Forum — which recorded a heavy participation of youths — could not have come at a better time. It is a wake up call to Nigerian youths and all Nigerians at large, irrespective of tribal and religious inclinations to rise up and support Bukola Saraki’s quest to grow Nigeria. He is an achiever and he deserves the presidential mandate.