The European Council (EC) has taken decisive action, imposing sanctions on six companies for their alleged role in financing and arming the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

These entities are accused of supporting activities that undermine the stability and political transition of Sudan, leading to grave concerns about the humanitarian situation in the region.

The EC, in a statement released on Monday, detailed that among the sanctioned companies were three under the control of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF). Notably, the Defense Industries System conglomerate, with an estimated $2 billion in revenues in 2020, was among them. The remaining three companies faced sanctions for their involvement in procuring military equipment for the RSF.

The conflict, ongoing since mid-April, has resulted in the loss of over 12,000 lives and displaced 7.5 million people, according to the United Nations. The sanctions entail asset freezes for the listed entities, and any provision of funds or economic resources to them is explicitly prohibited.

Echoing actions by the United States and the UK, the EU’s move aligns with efforts to address the crisis in Sudan. The United States had previously imposed sanctions in June, targeting firms associated with both the SAF and RSF. The UK followed suit with measures against businesses linked to Sudanese military groups.

Despite international attempts to forge a lasting ceasefire, the conflict has intensified. Sudan’s government, grappling with the situation, suspended its membership in the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the East African regional bloc attempting to broker talks between warring parties.

The conflict initially erupted over an internationally endorsed plan to merge the RSF into the army and initiate a transition toward elections. The power-sharing dynamics between the army and the RSF, established after the ousting of Omar al-Bashir in 2019, unraveled in a joint coup in 2021, disrupting efforts to guide Sudan towards democracy.

Throughout the war, both the Sudanese army and the RSF have faced accusations of war crimes, including indiscriminate shelling of residential areas, torture, and arbitrary detention of civilians. The EU, expressing deep concern for the humanitarian situation, reaffirms its support for the Sudanese people in this tumultuous period.