Justice AbdulMuttalib Ambali
Justice AbdulMuttalib Ambali

Saliu Mustapha mourns former Kwara Grand Khadi, Justice AbdulMuttalib Ambali

NEWS DIGEST – The Senator-Elect for Kwara Central, Mallam Saliu Mustapha has expressed grief over the death of former Grand Khadi of Kwara State and elder statesman, Justice AbdulMuttalib Ahmad Ambali (retd) who died in the early hours of Thursday in Ilorin at the age of 83.

According to a statement he personally signed, Mallam Mustapha, who is also the Turaki of Ilorin, commiserated with the good people of Ilorin Emirate over the great loss.

He said the late jurist and Islamic scholar was a highly respected statesman and illustrious son of Kwara State who contributed tremendously to the growth of the justice system in Nigeria.

The Senator-Elect condoled with the family members and associates of the deceased as well as the good people of Kwara State, noting that the “late Justice was a man of sterling virtues who did his job with the fear of God and dispensed justice impartially.

“The late retired grand Khadi lived a humble and peaceful life, and left behind great legacies that will continue to benefit people.

“May the Almighty Allah forgive the soul of the deceased and grant his family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss,” he prayed.