Saliu Mustapha
Saliu Mustapha

Saliu Mustapha condoles with victims of Alanamu market fire

NEWS DIGEST – The All Progressives Congress (APC) Senatorial candidate for Kwara Central, Mallam Saliu Mustapha has expressed sympathy with traders at Alanamu Market, Ilorin in the aftermath of a fire incident that ravaged the market.

The inferno which was said to have occurred at midnight, destroyed many shops and properties worth millions of Naira.

According to a statement he personally signed, Mustapha who is also the Turaki of Ilorin commiserated with the Balogun of Alanamu, Dr Usman Abubakar Jos and the entire people of the community over the sad event.

“May Allah repay all the good people of Alanamu, who have suffered some levels of damages during the fire incident.

“I am saddened by the news of the inferno and and the amount of set-back for the victims who have lost what they laboured for.

“I pray Allah guide them to bear the loss and bless their lives,” he said.