Nigerians react to launch of New National Carrier – Nigeria Air

NEWS DIGEST – Nigerians have reacted to the launch of a new National Carrier, Nigeria Air.
The News Digest has reported that the Minister of State for Aviation, Sen. Hadi Sirika, unveiled the airline to investors at the ongoing Farnborough International Air Show in UK.
Nigerians who took to social media expressed mixed feelings.
While some Nigerians expressed optimism, some others called for caution especially as to the safety of the Airline.
See Nigerians reactions below:
@Omojuwa “The name is not bad. I like the name. NigeriaAir . But all of these are subjective, the real stuff would be seeing it actually work. And seeing it run without NNPC-esque inefficiencies.”
@Femifactor “I have no problem with the logo and branding ( we could have done better though)
But for this #NigeriaAir to work well, the services have to be topnotch,proper maintenance n no rude air-hosts/hostesses.”

@BabajideKo “I pray it will not be a victim of the indicipline and corruption of the ruling elites like Nigeria Airways.”

@Kolokennethk “I hope ALL govt sponsored trips by public officials and the general public will now be via NigerianAir except it isn’t one of the 84 routes it intends to fly?

I also hope it won’t be subsidised for government, and won’t be like PHCN where outstanding bills run in to billions.”

@Oluwatobifaneye “Honestly this is the only achievement I can record in Buhari adminstration.”

@OluyomiOjo “I am only concerned about one thing now: SUCCESS. IT MUST WORK.
No sane person should pray that NigeriaAir should fail.”

@Carliid “I hope its going to be managed by private hands. Government isnt good with business.”

@Ubon_Isang “The only way Nigeria can effectively sustain a national airline is to allow experience experts from the private sector to manage it otherwise.
Govt & selfish parastatals will run it into the ground.”

@AustinMusa “I would have loved my preferred choice, AirNaija but NigeriaAir would have it. Nigeria Air all the way.”

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