Senate President Godswill Akpabio
Senate President Godswill Akpabio

Godswill Akpabio, the Senate’s president, has urged his colleagues to prioritize Nigeria’s interests while they carry out their different legislative duties.

He said this on Tuesday, just before the Senate dissolved into a protracted, all-night closed-door session following a six-week break.

He said, “I encourage us all to put the interests of our great nation first, by upholding the principles of democracy in all engagements, processes and procedures and working diligently towards a more secure, prosperous, and united Nigeria. Together, we can overcome all challenges and build the Nigeria of our dreams.”

In his opening address, the Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, appealed to all aggrieved lawmakers to sheath their swords and cooperate with his leadership.

There have been media reports on an alleged plot to impeach Akpabio as the Senate President.

He said, “As we resume to embark on our legislative functions and engagements, I encourage open and constructive dialogue, cooperation, and a spirit of unity on all matters of national significance, as it is through such discourse, that we can achieve the best outcomes for all Nigerian citizens. As you go about your official legislative duties be reminded, that although our opinions may differ, our common purpose is to advance the well-being of our constituents and our nation.

“Distinguished colleagues, in the coming days and weeks, we will address pressing issues, debate legislations, and strive to find common grounds that will move our nation forward expeditiously. I do not doubt that your dedication, wisdom, and integrity will shine through in all your endeavours.”

Akpabio added, “Evidently, as with all democratic institutions, there are concerns at various levels of governance, while dissent and differing opinions are integral to our democratic process, I urge us all to focus on the greater good of our nation, anchored on the pursuit of our common good, interests of our constituents and protection of our fledgling democracy.

“In the face of rising poverty, insecurity, and public agitation for good governance, it is imperative that we set aside personal differences and work together with renewed patriotism and dedication to nationhood. The challenges before us require unity, cooperation, and steadfast commitment to addressing the issues that affect the lives of all Nigerian citizens, mindful of the fact that the responsibilities we bear are weighty and that our decisions impact the lives and livelihoods of countless Nigerian citizens.”

Akpabio stated that the progress the country deserved at the moment could only be archived in a state of unity.

The Senate President told his colleagues that on this backdrop, “I call on all of us to commit our efforts and actions solely to the advancement of our dear Country Nigeria, by demonstrating against all odds and sentiments, that we are resolute in our determination to surmounting the challenges that have limited our progress and prosperity in the past years.

“Be mindful that our constituents look to us for leadership and hope, and we must not falter in fulfilling our responsibilities to them.”

Meanwhile, top on the agenda of the plenary agenda is the screening and confirmation of the nomination of Dr Olayemi Cardoso, for appointment as the governor Central Bank of Nigeria.

Following his nomination by President Bola Tinubu, Cardoso, last week assumed office as the acting CBN governor.

The Red Chamber also intended to review and approve the selection of four new deputy governors at the committee of the entire, namely Emem Nnana Usoro, Muhammad Sani Abdullahi Dattijo, Philip Ikeazor, and Bala M. Bello.

About two hours after the start of the new plenary, the Senate is still meeting behind closed doors.