Medical doctor wants FRSC to conduct psychiatric test on ‘Okada’ riders

NEWS DIGEST -There is urgent need for the Federal Road Safety Corp and other relevant authorities to insist on practicals and mental disposition testings for cyclists before issuing a licence, Dr Hadiza Gani , a medical expert said on Saturday.

Gani, who is the Head of Accident and Emergency Unit, General Hospital, Minna, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Minna, that such test would help avert accidents on the roads.

According to her, the hospital receives several accident victims caused by reckless and negligent cyclists daily.

“Today, we have received three accident victims, and it usually involves cyclist and his passenger, sometimes a motorcycle that is meant to carry two persons end up carrying four or five.

“There is no day we do not receive accident victims that either a car ran over a cyclist and his passenger or a cyclist ran over another cyclist.

“It is a negative routine that we are not comfortable with because people are greatly at risk of death or being disabled and we have limited manpower to nurse these accident victims,” she said.

Gani said that the cyclists have no regard for safety measures including the use of safety helmet.

“They throw caution to the wind, especially on the use of safety helmet; none of the accident victims we ever received wore a helmet at the time of accident” she said.

Gani urged the leadership of the Association of Motorcycle Riders to sensitise their members, enforce safety measures and partner with FRSC on mental health test for members.

“Training members on traffic rules will reduce accident rates to its barest minimum in the state.

” I urge FRSC to carry out a mental test and a practical riding examination for every cyclist before the issuance of a licence.

“I also charge passengers to always caution the cyclist carrying them when they are going against safety rules.

” It is the passenger’s right to do so, to safeguard their health and lives,” she said.

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