Prof. Kathleen Ebelechukwu Okafor
Prof. Kathleen Ebelechukwu Okafor

Prof. Kathleen Okafor Appointed Acting VC of Baze University, Succeeding Prof. Tahir Mamman

NEWS DIGEST – Baze University is entering a new era of leadership with the appointment of Prof. Kathleen Ebelechukwu Okafor as the Acting Vice Chancellor. This transition follows the recent appointment of the former Vice Chancellor, Prof. Tahir Mamman, to the esteemed position of Minister of Education.

Prof. Okafor’s ascendancy to this vital role ushers in a fresh chapter for the institution, as she takes the reins with a vision of continued growth and academic excellence. Prof. Okafor, celebrated for her outstanding contributions to academia, research, and leadership, is well poised to lead Baze University to new pinnacles of achievement.

Her appointment comes with an accomplished background and a reputation for innovation and empowerment. With a deep-seated commitment to nurturing students and fostering an inclusive educational environment, Prof. Okafor is poised to carry forward the legacy of excellence that Baze University embodies.

As Prof. Tahir Mamman steps into his new role as Minister of Education, his dedication to education and his transformative leadership during his time as Vice Chancellor are acknowledged and celebrated. His appointment reflects the recognition of his substantial contributions to academia and his potential to shape educational policies at a national level.

The university community and well-wishers are invited to extend their warm congratulations to Prof. Okafor on her new role, as she assumes the mantle of leadership from Prof. Tahir Mamman.

Prof. Okafor’s strategic foresight, dedication to academic innovation, and collaborative spirit are expected to guide the university through a period of continued progress.

In response to her appointment, Prof. Okafor shared her enthusiasm, saying, “I am honored to be entrusted with this responsibility and excited to work alongside the talented individuals that make up the Baze University community. Together, we will uphold the institution’s values and pursue excellence in all aspects of education and research.”

The university expresses gratitude for the tenure of Prof. Tahir Mamman, who leaves an indelible mark on Baze University as he transitions to his new role in the government. His leadership has been instrumental in steering the institution towards its current standing as a center of academic distinction.

As Baze University navigates this transition, the future is bright under the guidance of Prof. Kathleen Ebelechukwu Okafor. Her leadership promises to uphold and elevate the university’s commitment to knowledge dissemination, research advancement, and holistic student development.