Alh (Dr.) Shuaibu I. Gwada
Alh (Dr.) Shuaibu I. Gwada


NEWS DIGEST – Last week Monday, which was the 29th day of May 2023, ushered in a new dawn for Nigeria. It was the Day 1 of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s 1st tenure as President and C-in-C of the armed forces of the federal Republic of Nigeria. In that capacity, he shall remain until 2027 –God willing, when his 1st tenure will elapse.

May 29 also, was the day that the whole world is witnessing another democratic change of power in Africa’s economic giant and most populous nation.

At the Eagle square ground of the ceremony in Abuja, the change of baton from BUHARI to BOLA which is B2B or APC-2-APC is carefully arranged to be an SSS event, i.e. Special, Smooth & Spectacular.

PILOT Tinubu, the brand new president of Nigeria has about 1,454 days to ‘fly’ us, his PASSENGERS to the land of Renewed Hope -NIGERIA as promised in his campaign speeches. In the eyes of the electorates, the Tinubu expedition is typical of a journey that is both FAR and NEAR. Far, because it is 4 years away and Near, because like many years gone bye, year 2027 will (day after day) soon become history.

As a mechanism for smooth take-off of his regime “shuttle” towards year 2031 end of his 2nd term, I wish to advise the president who is now “Jagaban-General” to carry on board the weaponry that will QUIETLY but QUICKLY target Insecurity, Corruption, Wastefulness, Youths restiveness/fraternity, Electricity supply, Public health care, Enforcement of road traffic rules and checkmating the (would-be) cabals that loiter around every government.

In a turn around manner, the President should invigorate National orientation agency NOA by detailing it to create templates for government’s recognition & reward for patriotic citizens, while metting social and moral exclusion to persons with questionable characters.

Going forward, I call on Mr president to also consider the re-establishment of Presidential Liaison Bureau in the 36 states of the federation to be headed by bureau chiefs. The Presidential Bureau concept was debuted by late president Shehu Shagari in 1979 and indeed, it engendered wider political outreach for NPN -the ruling party and it brought ‘federal might’ closer to the people. The initiative offered the president a lighter work schedule and it gave him the leverage for swift action (through the PBC) on matters that require presidential attention from the states.

Nigerians will be glad if the points mentioned above are put in place within the first 90 days instead of the usual 100 days threshold by past regimes. The advantage of the 90 days “report card” is another way of meeting set targets for completing yearly goverment projects ahead of schedule by (atleast) 40 days.

In fact, now that Tinubu’s yearning for EMI LOKAN has been achieved, the next is ISE LOKAN i.e. hitting the ground running and making haste by calculative progression.

Upon swearing-in, president Tinubu learnt his FIRST lesson after official briefing on the current state of Nigeria and its global status in the committee of nations.

Mr president will be further fascinated as it will dawn on him that every ESSENTIAL matter in the country, begins and ends with him (Tinubu) as the person on whose table the buck stops.

At this point, may I passionately remind and advise the president (even though he knows) that:
1) POWER is a double-edged sword – So, handle it with care & caution
2) POWER is a sweet and sower lozenge – Enjoy the flavour but swallow the Gel with apprehension
3) POWER is the master-key to the doors of Hell to your left, and Heaven to your right – Always give way to the traffic on your left (TEMPTATION!!!)

Mr president, may I seek your permission to ask other  Nigerians to join me in urging you to use the power/key “in your hands” to open the door to Heaven vide a RADICAL/DYNAMIC/EQUTIBLE/PRAGMATIC rule that will go down history lane.

This means carrying everybody that is GOOD along, managing those that are BAD and keeping vigil on the ones that are UGLY. The opportunity to sanitize  Nigeria is lying on your door-step and begging for action. Proverbially, it is said that opportunity knocks only once and the wise also say that there is no SECOND chance for first FIRST impression.

The capital projects that were executed when you were Governor of Lagos State “with an ordinary key” can be replicated on a larger scale across the country NOW that you hold the master-key as the PC-in-C.

If the master key ideology is imbibed at the federal level, state governors and LG chairmen will emulate for want of being on the same page with the Tinubu phenomenon.

Public & private sector operators that are yearning for good governance will as well tag-on to the new regime values.

However, in order to attain a Sustainable Good Governance SGG, the 3-Fs of management studies namely; FRIENDLINESS, FAIRNESS, FIRMNESS should be upheld at all times.

Tinubu must not fail his country men & women who have been following him from pre-NADECO days in his long walk to the presidency and now he has arrived. By  the arrival, Tinubu has redefined patience  -a vital ingredient of life thus;  “PATIENCE IS NOT ABOUT HOW LONG YOU WAIT BUT HOW WELL YOU BEHAVE WHILE WAITING”…

May I then draw Asiwaju’s attention to again to another fact that the 4-year mandate that he obtained from the March 25th election is a kind of  “sentence” that goes with HARD LABOUR because, the job is tideous, tireless and often thankless. However, I know for certain that president Tinubu’s quest for a new Nigeria is NOT negotiable.

As a profound member of All Progressives Congress Party -APC,  I pray that God  Almighty should Guard & Guide the president as he prepares to  go through the politically WINDY WEATHER of the nation’s “airspace”.

On the ground, his mastery of land & Sea projects like Eko Atlantic city, Lagos blue railway, uncommon IGR initiative, Lekki housing estate – phase 1, 2 & 3, Local Council Area development approach, mentorship across region & religion, first-ever Treasury single account, Independent Power Project, Review of Lagos Judicial officers emoluments (to stem corruption) etc, are all worthy of note & mention.

It is on record that Bola Tinubu’s political prowess & sagacity are factors behind APC’s victory in 2015, 2019 and 2023 general elections.

Judging from the view in the horizon, Nigerians may within 50 days begin to appreciate  the fact that there is a new Sheriff in town.

Honestly,  Asiwaju deserves empathy, co-operation, encouragement and prayers from you & I, –the PASSENGERS.

Nevertheless, we urge and demand of him –the PILOT too, to reflect on the welfare of his country men and women on 24/7 basis while in office.

In conclusion, may I  admonish PBAT along with his Pastor wife Her Excellency, Oluremi Tinubu to add special prayer to their menu all through the  four years ahead. The aim is to seek God’s restoration of stability, prosperity and surplus in the land during their REIGN and beyond. Thank God Asiwaju is a Muslim and Oluremi is a Christian  -adherents of the two great religions where PRAYER is PRIORITY.

Finally, I call on president Tinubu to let it always resonate in his heart that, his emergence as President of Nigeria against all odds is a plain act of GOD. Therefore, he should endeavour to go closer (in words and action) to The Almighty who ordained him to be the PRESIDING officer that will PRESIDE over Nigeria as PRESIDENT from last Monday, May 29, 2023.

