Over 40,000 police officers will be stationed throughout the state, according to the Kogi police command, to guarantee a smooth holding of the governorship election on November 11.

According to what state Commissioner of Police Bethrand Onuoha said in a Monday phone conversation in Lokoja with the News Agency of Nigeria.

Mr. Onuoha claimed that the state’s prior experiences were the reason behind the anticipated mass deployment of soldiers.

“As it is, we have marked out some security flash points for more vigilance even though recent happenings signaled to us that the whole Kogi is a flashpoint.

“From the number of security personnel we are deploying for this election, it’s an enough testimony to tell you that the state needs more security checks.

“With the presence of adequate security personnel in Kogi, we are calling on every body to come out and exercise his or her civic right in this forthcoming Nov 11 governorship election.

“We are going to swam the state with enough security personnel and by the special grace of God, with our actions and sanctions, we are going to confound our detractors,” he said.

Mr Onuoha added: “God is telling me that this election is going to be better than all the elections ever held here in Kogi.

“We have directed our personnel to be fair to everybody because we come here to serve the people and not any particular individual.”

The CP asked politicians to follow the rules, pointing out that elections would come and go but citizens would always be around.