Inspector Okoro Charles
Inspector Okoro Charles

Police inspector arrested for killing Lagos resident Fatai Oladipupo

NEWS DIGEST – Lagos State Police Command says it has arrested Inspector Okoro Charles attached to Ikotun Division.

The Inspector was arrested on Wednesday in connection with a shooting incident reported along Obabiyi, Igando road, Ikotun which led to the death of one Fatai Oladipupo ‘m’ 28 years old of Obabiyi area.

According to its statement, the Lagos Police Command says the Inspector is to be subjected to internal disciplinary procedures, known as Orderly Room Trial at the State Provost Department and if found guilty, he will be handed over to the State Criminal Investigation Department Yaba for prosecution in conventional Court.

The Command said investigation is ongoing to unravel the circumstances surrounding the shooting incident.

The Commissioner of Police condoled with the family and friends of the deceased and called for calm.

He assures them that Justice will prevail, adding that members of the public will be updated on the outcome of the investigation.