The Voice of Nigeria (VON) is set to fortify its management team with advanced leadership skills, as part of a concerted effort to strengthen its capacity in meeting its organizational objectives.

This significant initiative took center stage during a meeting held at the corporate headquarters of the Voice of Nigeria on Monday, January 8, 2024, between the management staff of VON and the GOTNI Leadership Centre.

Spearheaded by the Director General/Chief Executive Officer of the Voice of Nigeria, Mallam Jibrin Baba Ndace, the meeting focused on establishing a robust partnership between the two organizations, fostering a relationship that would be mutually advantageous.

Expressing appreciation to the Founder/President of the GOTNI Leadership Centre for the visit, Mallam Ndace provided an insightful overview of VON’s evolution. Describing VON as the singular media outlet in Nigeria broadcasting in eight national and international languages, he highlighted the organization’s dedication to projecting positive stories about Nigeria and Africa globally.

The DG emphasized that VON boasts a team of professionals in the broadcast media sphere, capable of propelling the organization to greater heights. He underscored the critical importance of purposeful leadership, a commitment he is resolute in fulfilling.

In his earlier address, Mr. Linus Okorie, MFR, the President of the GOTNI Leadership Centre, extended congratulations to DG Ndace on his appointment. Mr. Okorie expressed optimism about DG Ndace’s ability to reposition VON, drawing from his proven pedigree in the media and public relations field spanning over three decades.

He drew attention to the Leadership Centre’s successful track record in assisting government agencies and corporate organizations in Nigeria to develop and implement leadership skills, ultimately achieving set goals.

Mr. Okorie conveyed his readiness to collaborate with DG Ndace in addressing leadership gaps within VON to ensure the fulfillment of its mandate.