Plateau community cries out over herdsmen killings

NEWS DIGEST–Residents of Miango Community in Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau State have called for help from the federal and state governments to stop the incessant killing of their people by gunmen believed to be Fulani herdsmen.

They claimed Fulani herdsmen had killed nine people in the community in the past one month.

According to them, they have been living in fear of being killed by the gangsters, hence they have abandoned their farms.

The Publicity Secretary of Miango Youth Development Association, Mr. Lawrence Nebanat, in a statement on Friday called for help.

Nebanat said, “Fulani herdsmen killed nine industrious Nigerian citizens and injured two within a month. The killings are a continuation of their usual attack on innocent farmers in Plateau State, destroying their only means of livelihood.

“On the April 9, 2019 Chief Salah Akpa, a traditional village head of Kigam, was killed on his farm. The following day Emma from Ri-Do village was killed. Two people were also killed in an ambush attack on April 14, 2019 in Hura village. They were Janah Dare and Dadi Ibrahim.

“On April 27, 2019, Sunday Di and Baram were killed by the same Fulani terrorists on their way home in Dong village. The following day Emmanuel Ishaya and Miss Jummai Ijah were ambushed by the same terrorists. On the same day in Rotsu village, Monday Rivo was killed on his way to his farm and on May 1, 2019,one of our youths survived gunshot wounds on his way to Jebbu Miango. He is now receiving treatment at Enos Hospital Miango.”

He said the hoodlums had been destroying farms in villages in Irigwe chiefdom, Bassa LGA.

Nebanat added, “Let it be said clearly that one million cows are not equal to one Irigwe soul and it can’t be possible for a peaceful Irigwe man to kill 319 cows as claimed by the Fulani hersdmen. We are not butchers but farmers.”

He urged the Federal Government to deploy more security officials in the area to prevent the hoodlums from wreaking more havoc.