Former presidential candidate of the Labour Party, LP Peter Obi, has criticized President Bola Tinubu’s administration for proceeding with the contentious Lagos-Calabar coastal highway project despite widespread public opposition.

Obi In a post on his social media handle on Tuesday expressed dismay over the government’s decision to pursue a project that threatens employment opportunities at a time of rampant unemployment.

According to him, urgent national priorities include security, poverty alleviation, healthcare, and education, particularly for the poor and underprivileged.

He said: “Contrary to reason and the necessity for compassion in public policy, the federal government has commenced the controversial Lagos-Calabar coastal highway project.

“The outcry against this project has been overwhelming due to the current situation in the country. However, reports as of yesterday indicate that demolition of businesses and residences in the designated right of way for the project has commenced from the Lagos end.

“The sight of this insensitive demolition is heart-wrenching. Livelihoods are being wiped away, lifetime investments are being wasted, and jobs are disappearing as bulldozers roar through. The homes of the elderly are being overturned by the power of bulldozers

“This hasty flag-off defies the widespread outcry by the public, especially business and property owners directly affected by the project. Nobody knows the outcry that will accompany this project as it progresses towards poor rural landscapes.

“Thousands of jobs are about to be lost, with investments above $200 million at risk. Over 100,000 jobs in the leisure and hospitality sector face imminent extinction, along with 80 small businesses and their 4000 mostly youth employees.

“At a time of rampant unemployment, the government is embarking on a job-losing project. The economic losses currently observed are primarily limited to the initial kilometers in the Lagos area.he added.

While recognizing the economic importance of the road, the former Anambra governor emphasized the need for a thorough review of its justification and timing in conjunction with comparable projects, considering the nation’s unparalleled levels of poverty and deprivation.

“While acknowledging the economic value of the road, its conception dating back to Tafewa Balewa’s time, several parameters have changed. Insecurity and poverty are rampant, placing this project lower on today’s national priorities.

“It’s time to question the rationale and timing of this and similar projects. The nation is in its worst economic state in history, with poverty and hunger spreading. The basic necessities of life are beyond reach for most Nigerians.

“This is a moment when a committed government cannot embark on non-essential projects. Existing highways urgently need maintenance, and insecurity makes travel unsafe.

“Just a few days ago, many lives were lost, and over 70 vehicles were burned in a fuel tanker explosion that occurred on the East-West road in Rivers State. This tragic accident was primarily caused by the extremely poor condition of the road, which has been neglected for years and urgently needs attention. Our economy is struggling, and our health institutions are ill-equipped. Why embark on an expensive new highway project when there are close to 50 abandoned federal highway projects across the country?

“The urgent necessities are nationwide security, poverty eradication, healthcare, and education, especially for the poor and underprivileged. It’s not too late to discontinue the Lagos-Calabar highway project.

“We cannot afford another expensive abandoned project. Nigeria’s urgent development needs are more real and essential. We do not need landscape decoration escapades.” He added.