Yusuf Kumo
Yusuf Kumo

Why we need a law to protect persons with disabilities, By Yusuf Kumo

NEWS DIGEST – Before I go straight in this article, permit me to begin with a quote from my mentor and role model Mal. Ishiaq Adamu; “Disability Bill has been passed many times but the President(s) refused to sign it in to law ” He further said in the quote that Disability is not located in us but in our environment in which we live.

It’s clear that persons with disabilities in Nigeria are faced with the problems of discrimination, marginalization, exclusion from national issues including issues that affects their lives. Negative perception of persons with disabilities increase their exclusion from fully participating in society.

Despite all odd Nigerians leaders have failed to adopt useful policy that will address people suffering fron plight.

It seems to me that most Nigerian leaders are not interested in any thing that has to do with the plight of 25.5 millions Nigerian Living with disability. The society share part of the blame, most of our people have little or no interest on the issues and plights of persons with disabilities. even interested in . Most of our activists ,human Right activists etc are selective when it comes to National issues.

The fact is that , disabilities affect some people early , middle or lately. The formers are those who suffer most from its pain especially the pain of discrimination, marginalization, exclusion ,segregation, isolation and total loss of human dignity in our society ,they are often far discriminated against, In schools, hospitals , employment , information and to some extent communication , National orientation and awareness , religious activities , political participation, to mention but few. To elaborate, for instance , majority of them are denied access to higher education simply as what the management termed as “we don’t have interpreters or special education here ” they go to hospital and there is no interpreter to communicate with the Doctors . Like wise in courts and other public institutions. Apart from Government failures to adopt useful policy that will benefits persons with disabilities and ensure inclusion, parents also contribute discrimination on persons with disabilities. In fact, most parents have little concerns towards the disabled education that’s why you see many of them end up their career after secondary school while some turn to street begging.

To illustrate the above, my sister, a deaf from my hometown told me the reasons why she’s unable to resume school is because she doesnt have school uniform and her parents left for Kano since 3months leaving her to stay with her aunty, imagine as a boarding students, they are supposed to buy her school uniform and pay her PTA before they leave. Recently the Federal government introduced the policy of paying disabled students allowance to encourage them in pursuing their educational career even if their parents couldn’t support them (right from primary to tertiary ) this policy was continually adopted by previous administration(s) until the coming of this administration it was cancelled,due to yet to be identified reasons.

Since most parent have little concerns towards disabled education then what do you expect if not drop out and self withdrawal? This is disheartening. And the most disheartening Part of the story is the cancellation of disabled allowance. If the allowance was not cancelled, the likes of this girl will not withdraw or stay at home. They will use it to support their education even if their parents couldn’t And what if Disability bill is passed? In fact it will make disabled education free and compulsory like its done in other countries. Countries like Ghana, south Africa, Tanzania etc adopted inclusive policies and take care of persons with disabilities but unfortunately in Nigeria the Giant of Africa the reverse is still the cause. Since ten years disability bill was neglected. And what about disability bill? It’s a bill that will ensure the establishment of disability right commission that will take care of all persons with disabilities, just like the NDDC, it’s a bill that will ensure inclusive policies and prevent discrimination on persons with disabilities in all affairs. If the bill is passed, the above challenges mentioned like lack of interpreters, facilities, access to information and communication, education, appointment ,employment etc will be addressed.

According to the President, Centre for Equal rights of persons with disabilities, This bill if signed in to law will led to establishment of Disability right commission which will protect and promote the rights and human dignity for the 25.5 million neglected ,poor, marginalized and ignored Nigerians with disabilities and their family because every Nigerian family has one or more persons with disability in our respective families. Similarly, Mrs Catherine, a Deaf lawyer and disability rights advocate said, I’m really interested in the bill, we need to know what’s happening as the government is holding our rights in their hands. I as a lawyer can’t practice because the law doesn’t support us” Finally, since disability bill is passed again by the 8th Senate on March 27th, we are calling the president to please sign this bill in to law on behalf of the 25.5 million Nigerians with disabilities. The bill will no doubt encourage many persons with disabilities to be useful in the society.

Comr. Yusuf Kumo writes in from Gombe state university.

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