Nkechi Ejele
Nkechi Ejele

Perm Sec Not Posted Six Months After Handover

NEWS DIGEST – A federal Permanent Secretary is yet to be posted almost six 6) clear months after she handed over her office to a new one at the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Economic Confidential can confirm.

Mrs Nkechi Ejele, the erstwhile Permanent Secretary with Special Duties Office (SDO) of the Head of Civil Service handed over to her successor following a circular no. HCSF/095/11/368 dated December 18, 2019 on the posting of Permanent Secretaries, but she was not posted and currently has no portfolio, Economic Confidential can authoritatively report.

It would be recalled that the embattled top civil servant was among three Permanent Secretaries earlier suspended from the service for alleged acts of misconduct but was given clean bill of health by President Muhammadu Buhari and subsequently recalled.

Our investigation also reveals that President Buhari gave the directive for her recall and exoneration after careful consideration of the recommendations of Federal Service Management Committee in conjunction with that of the Secretary to the Government of the federation (SGF). She is from the South East geopolitical zone of the country.

Our search further showed that the embattled Permanent Secretary also in a memo to the then Acting Head of the Civil Service of the Federation dated December 19, 2019 drew the attention of the authorities to her plight after confirming her handover to her successor but to no avail almost six(6) months as we speak and report.

Efforts by this medium through telephone calls and text messages to the Head of Service met with brick wall as no answers were received in the last two months.

Meanwhile two members of the South East Caucuses of the Senate and the House of Representatives have confided in Economic Confidential about moves by the caucuses to take the matter before the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Mr Boss Mustapha.

The members who are visibly angry and disturbed on the humiliation of Mrs Nkechi Ejele, said the anomaly can no more be tolerated as they reasoned that she was about the oldest and most senior permanent Secretary in the federal civil service.

“We will take up the matter first with the Senate President, the Speaker of House of Representatives, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation and Head of Service”, they said.

“We cannot definitely say why she has not been posted by now almost six months after her colleagues were posted by the Head of Service” said the angry lawmakers.

“We shall see the end to this disturbing situation”, they said.