Be patriotic in your service to Nigeria – NYSC to Corps members

A total of 1,401 members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) have officially commenced their mandatory three-week orientation course at the permanent camp in Obubra Local Government Area on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.

This followed the administration of Oath of Allegiance by the Chief Judge of Cross River State, Justice Akon lkpeme, who was represented by the Judge of the Obubra High Court, Hon. Justice Emmanuel Ubua.

The oath-taking ceremony marked the official opening of the 2024 Batch ‘A’ Stream 1 Orientation Course.

Welcoming them, the State Coordinator, Mr Zemoh Andrew said the three weeks Orientation Course is structured to prepare Corps Members for the compulsory one-year national service.

Zemoh said Corps members will be exposed to camp activities and teaching on Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship training programme to prepare them ahead for the future.

He encouraged them to be patriotic in their service to their fatherland.

Governor Bassey Otu represented by the Commissioner for Youths Development and Skills Acquisition, Ijom Ukam asked the Corps members to embark on laudable community projects which will stand them out at the end of their service year.

The governor said, ” I charge you to carry out laudable community projects which will stand you out at the end of the service year”.

He reminded the Corps members that this was a period for them to make personal sacrifices and prepare themselves for the enormous challenges of nation-building.

The Governor said, his administration is people-driven and will create a conducive atmosphere for Corps members to operate, assuring that their welfare will be given top priority.

He used the occasion to highlight the importance of the NYSC in contemporary Nigeria, emphasizing that against all odds, the Scheme has remained a tool for national unity and integration.