Palestinian officials reported that two individuals accused of aiding Israeli security forces were shot and killed by militants in a West Bank refugee camp. Subsequently, the bodies were subjected to violence by onlookers, and an attempt was made to tie them to an electrical tower.

The incident is linked to suspicions of collaboration in a previous army raid that resulted in the death of three key militants. Security forces are investigating, and purported confession videos have surfaced online.

A second Palestinian official, speaking on condition of anonymity for the same reason, confirmed that Palestinian security forces were aware of the incident. The public prosecutor’s office said it would have details in the coming days about a police investigation into the killings.

The local militant group – affiliated with the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, an armed offshoot of the secular nationalist Fatah party – posted a cryptic statement just after the two men were reported killed. “We did not wrong them, but they wronged themselves,” it said.

The family of one of the accused informers sought to distance itself in a statement Saturday, calling its disgraced relative a “malicious finger that we have cut off without regret.”

“We affirm our complete innocence,” the family added, “and we won’t allow anyone to blame us for his guilt.”

Purported confession videos surfaced online showing the two men, worn out, their eyes downcast, describing their recent interactions with Israeli intelligence officials who they said paid them thousands of dollars for information.