Ecobank Nigeria


Outsourced staff of Ecobank, who work as drivers for the establishment, have asked the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to compel Ecobank Transitional Incorporated, Ecobank Nigeria Ltd and the NUBIFIE, to pay $100 billion or its equivalent in Naira.

This money is to be paid to the workers who have been outsourced from Integrated Coporate Service Lt (ICSL), FOSAD, Harvard Security, KS Sharon and Dirt Duster. The money will be a compensation to the workers whose rights have been violated by Ecobank.

Journalists were addressed in Benin, yesterday, by Mr. Paulic Jesuorod Okoni-Khere, who spoke on the discrimination and violation in their services to the company.

According to Okoni-Khere, this issue has been left unattended to for a couple of years now, and the staff are left with no other option but to ask the NLC to press charges against the establishment.

The issues listed during his speech included salary harmonization, fleet management initiative of Ecobank, employee gratuity scheme, non implementation of the N30,000 minimum wage and more.

In addition to this, he complained bitterly on the nonchalant attitude of their umbrella body, NUBIFIE, over the issue.

He said: “Our trade union (NUBIFIE) leadersabandoned us or appeared helpless to our fate despitecalls, meetings in respect of the issues listed.

“We have been discriminated against by our employersand our union leaders remain silent.Hence, we decided to write for action.”