Renewed Hope
President Bola Tinubu

Osun Muslim Community criticizes Leaders for Ignoring Economic Hardships

The Osun State Muslim community has criticized both the President Bola Tinubu-led Federal Government and the 36 state governors for lacking the political will to address the country’s hardships.

Speaking at a press conference to mark the 1446 Hijrah at the Muslim Community Secretariat in Osogbo, Osun State, the group’s President, Sheikh Mustafa Ajisafe, stated that political leaders show no commitment to tackling the current challenges.

Sheikh Ajisafe emphasized the need for an aggressive agricultural revolution, particularly in the southwest, where agriculture is on the decline.

“Our leaders lack the political will to fight the excruciating hunger ravaging the country as a result of economic crises around the world. Our leaders rather than concentrating on agriculture to reduce hunger, they were busy distributing motorcycles as empowerment.

“Instead of President Bola Tinubu focusing on rescuing the economy from inflationary crisis, he is busy with the politics of 2027. He is busy dissipating the energy of politics rather than good governance.

“The Governors are busy distributing motorcycles, hairdressing and beautician equipment to youths instead of revitalizing the various agricultural settlements to concentrate on their areas of comparative advantage with a view to pulling the country out of the woods.

“Until we have people whose love for the country and its people supersede that of their personal ambition, then, maybe they will lead the country into prosperity,” he said.