Suleiman Kwande
Suleiman Kwande
Suleiman Kwande: Our loss, our gain
NEWS DIGEST – “All those that declared their intentions to contest for the seat of Bassa/Jos North Federal House of Representatives under the platform of our great party, the APC in the coming election are all competent. My prayer is that God should choose the best out of us: someone who has the people at heart and is poised to work for the community.”- Dr Suleiman Yahaya Kwande.
The above view was expressed by Hon Suleiman Yahaya kwande, a member representing Bassa/Jos North Federal Constituency while addressing party supporters, excos, stakeholders and his constituents. To him, politicians should not take politics as a do or die affair. He believes God gives leadership and takes it from whosoever he wishes at his appointed time.
Many commentators- most especially those from Jasawa social media wall- engage in private discussions and even tea joints analysis. They have expressed their different opinions on the exalted seat of Bassa/Jos North House of Representatives. To some, it is high time the young Fulani Honorable took a bow and left while others opine that he should contest once again for third term. And to some, he should compete for a seat in the senate.
Many people have rated him high while others have given him a low rating in relation to his performance in the green chamber. Be that as it may, every individual has his weaknesses and strengths. We should understand his constraints and appreciate his efforts most especially the gargantuan projects he has executed so far which are all seen across his constituency. Also, his efforts towards maintaining peaceful coexistence among all the ethnic groups in Bassa/Jos North have not gone unnoticed. He is someone that has many impactful projects to his name.
Honestly speaking, I feel pity for Hon. Kwande who- I believe strongly- means well for his constituency in his humble ways of doing things. We can recall how so many stories have been built around him which foster criticisms. We can also remember how people who had a negative impression of him changed instantly after interacting with him. He is a man of integrity and has a lot of god-will.
So far he has demonstrated some good leadership qualities. He is reportedly the only two-term Reps member who is still staying in a rented apartment in Abuja and he is yet to complete the only house he has in his constituency. He is a two-term member who still drives a 2007 Lexus Jeep as his official car. He is a visionary leader per excellence. It is the vision that made him quickly realise the gap that existed in his constituency, most especially in the area of health services and education. He fixed the loopholes with enviable urgency.
In addition to this, He is very idealistic. Sometimes, you could bring an idea to him, only toSuleiman Kwande

find out that he had nursed the idea in his mind long ago. As a result, he improves on your idea and ascribes the credit to you. He makes himself assessible both online and offline and ensures that all official communication reach him as he gives instructions that nobody should hold up a communication even if it is meant to insult him.

These said, lets examine the title of this work: “what we stand to gain from giving Sulaiman Kwamde our mandate” which is a response to a piece written by someone on what we stand to achieve by mandating Kwande to contest the same seat again?
My answer to him is this: Life in the National Assembly is a learning process. The more you sit, the more you acquire experience. The more experience you acquire, the higher your chances of heading various committees, thereby enhancing your reputation in the House, and significantly contributing to developmental projects in your constituency.
But when you are there as a new member, it will take time before you find your bearing. One has to learn the workings of the house which consists of politicking, among others. Furthermore, one has to learn about the committees in the house, the ones to belong, how to make laws, and how to represent the interest of your constituents. One has to learn how to propose a bill, move a motion, debate issues, amongst others.
It does not stop at that. There are also demands from people back home; the tasks which should ordinarily  be taken care of by the executives. They expect you to build schools, construct roads, build hospitals, secure jobs, empowerment programmes among others. How could a first termer manage all these?
Our gain is we stand to benefit more from him in that position than sending a fresh member.
Don’t judge me wrong please, my point is his current status would automatically change from deputy  committee chairman to chairman or even a higher position than this.  If you are doubting me, make a research on those principal officers currently occupying juicy positions in the National Assembly and you will agree with me.
If Hon. Kwande, with the little resources he has at his disposal can execute such tangible projects, empower his people, maintain peace and improve peaceful coexistence in such a dynamic and sensitive constituency like ours, we can be much more better if we consider this humble, responsible and indefatigable man for third term.
Two thousand and nineteen here we come. “Lets Sustain the Change”