Umar Faruk Jahun

Open letter to Jigawa Governor, Mohammed Badaru, By Umar Jahun

NEWS DIGEST – Your excellency, it’s with belief in your great potential and deep respect I have for you, that I decided to write you this short letter.

First, I do appreciate the completion of numerous projects initiated and/or fully paid for by your administration, in the first term. That is noteworthy!

Now that you have been re-elected, these are A NON-BRAINER IDEA!Please note as our fresh rules of engagement:

1. Improve the quality of education.

2. Launch a concerted effort to tackle the myriad of Almajiri system and street begging in the state.

3. Focused on minimalism as well as social welfare of the citizenry, and in particular the poor.

4. An approach that focuses on productivity and building strong institutions.

5. Build the economy around harnessing our demographic dividends.

6. We would no longer be in a long distant relationship. You talk to us atleast once a day, every day.

7. Reshuffle your cabinet.

8. Give us a monthly report of your work.

9. You shall uphold the rule of law at all times, stop gloating and treating supporters from the other side as enemies of the state.

10. Build the unity that has been broken, and remember we are all deserved to be treated equally.

11. We won’t reinforce failures or manage with mediocrity when the whole has left us far behind.

12. We will talk, demand respect and accountability.

Also, as a leader you have to be well acquainted with challenges that lies ahead of us, no more excuses. Because, you were voted in to fix the “mess.” they are now at your feet. It’s your own!

More over,  you must freely acknowledge your self as the servant of the people. According to the bonds of service and personal interest shouldn’t persuade what good for the populace,  only then all the aims that you have set will be recognized as laudable.

I pray may you perform better, well and deliver than first term.