Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Former Nigerian President

Obasanjo warns against handover of Nigeria to thieves, hooligans

NEWS DIGEST–The echoes of the 2015 presidential election won by President Muhammadu Buhari reverberated on Tuesday as former President Goodluck Jonathan presented his book, ‘My Transition Hours,’ to the public in Abuja.
Dignitaries that included Buhari, former Heads of State in Nigeria and West Africa, former ministers and traditional rulers took turns to shower encomiums on the former President for conceding defeat in the election.
Buhari was represented by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Mustapha.
Jonathan himself admitted that some unnamed individuals both in Nigeria and outside the country expressed surprise at his decision.
He said the people concerned kept asking him why he would allow the result of the election to stand without contesting it in court.
But his guests took turns to commend him for the decision which they said led to the peace the nation currently enjoys.
Jonathan said the twin issue of Boko Haram insurgency and the abduction of Chibok girls were used against him during elections.
Jonathan said, “Whenever I travelled out, people asked me, ‘why did you concede defeat, why did you make that phone call. Why didn’t you go to court?’
“The book reviewer has revealed everything and if you read the book, you will understand. The book centres mainly on the election. I mentioned some negative things, it’s like the life of an individual, it can be positive while it can also be negative.
“There were certain issues in government that were used against me during election, like the issue of Boko Haram and the Chibok girls. In fact, some people said I brought Boko Haram to reduce the voting population of the North so that I can win the election.”
He added, “So, I commented on the Chibok girls, it was one of the points that was really used by politicians. Of course, I don’t blame them. Maybe if it was me, I would have done the same thing.
“I also took the issue of corruption so that young Nigerians will understand the issue, where it started if anybody knows. I have made some suggestions to encourage future governments to tackle corruption.
“I also used the opportunity to make a little suggestion about our elections.”
Jonathan raised the alarm over the issue of vote-buying which he said had become scandalous in the country.
He suggested a change in the way polling booths are erected as one of the ways of tackling the problem.
“The issue of vote-buying is becoming scandalous in Nigeria. While inducing candidates is wrong and is criminalised in other countries, in Nigeria it is seen as normal and this is wrong.
“My suggestion is that we should begin to look at the way we build polling booths, we should copy other countries that use public buildings like schools for elections.
“So one school will be one polling unit and it will be easier for the police to police that unit and it will be difficult for someone who is in a classroom to show you his ballot paper since you cannot pay somebody until you have access to see his ballot paper. If we have a polling booth that you cannot access the ballot paper, then the issue of outright vote-buying will reduce,” he said.
Jonathan conceded defeat to me without pressure – Buhari
Buhari again seized the opportunity of the presentation to commend Jonathan for conceding defeat in 2015.
He said he was aware that Jonathan took the decision without any pressure.
The President commended him for being a true democrat and a patriotic leader, saying his call to him doused tension.
Buhari said, “I want to openly as I have done on several occasions salute the statesmanship, sportsmanship and courage embedded in the person of Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, who in 2015 without any pressure conceded defeat in the presidential election even when the compilation of the results was still in progress.
“Your singular act of placing the call to me doused and calmed frayed nerves all over the country and I sincerely thank you for being a true democrat and a patriotic Nigerian.”
Buhari recalled that he and Jonathan were parties to a pact to ensure that the 2015 election was free and peaceful.
He noted that throughout the campaign period, Jonathan kept reiterating that no blood should be shed because of his ambition.
The President said history has recorded Jonathan as the fifth democratically-elected President of Nigeria and history will also judge him well as a patriotic leader.
He said, “It is important to restate that in the run-up to the elections, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and I were parties to a pact to ensure that the 2015 General Elections were free and credible. The outcome of that election has placed Nigeria as a leader of democracy in Africa.
“In his desire for peace and non-violence, Jonathan kept reiterating that no Nigerian blood should be shed for selfish reason.
“With this book being launched today, Nigerians, historians and scholars now have a personal account of what transpired during the transitional hours.”
He added, “It is difficult to imagine what went through the minds of Dr Jonathan during those long hours when variety of counsel for and against was being offered. As the fifth democratically elected president, history will judge you well and favourably.”
The President said he had been committed to ensuring that service to Nigerians was placed above every other consideration.
“Looking at the past three years, my administration has demonstrated that service to Nigerians transcends party lines and political affiliations.
“That is of course the reason why my administration remains committed to serving the nation by completing different projects that were started by previous administrations.”
He further described the former President as a leader of the past, present and future, saying he would rise again.
As the 2019 general elections draw nearer, Buhari called on all politicians not to see election as a declaration of war.
He urged them to eschew bitterness, falsehood and bigotry among other vices.
“In another 87 days from today, Nigerians will be electing new leaders in another general elections, I call on all political leaders to see elections based on principles and aspirations that will outlive the nation.
“Elections should not be a declaration of war rather cement our brotherliness and nationhood.
“Let me express my personal appreciation for what you have done for this country. You are a leader of the past, you are a leader for now. Rest assured, you are a leader of the future. You will rise again,” he added.
Obasanjo warns against handing Nigeria over to thieves, hooligans
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, who chaired the public presentation, urged Nigerians to ensure that they would not hand over the nation and democracy to those he called thieves and hooligans.
He said if the nation’s democracy was handed over to those in those categories, they could use it as a weapon against the people.
Obasanjo said, “There is still no substitute for democracy when all is said and done. It fosters peace. It builds and does not destroy. It unifies, rather than divides.
“But all these can only happen if democracy is in the hands of democrats. If it is in the hands of thieves and hooligans, they can use it as a weapon. We should ensure hooligans don’t get it.”
The former President recalled a statement credited to a diplomat that he preferred to live in Nigeria because if it appeared the all would collapse in the morning, things would be cool and calm by the evening.
“Let us continue to make Nigeria cool and calm,” he said.Obasanjo congratulated Jonathan for enjoying a peaceful retirement.
He said the post-office life which Jonathan was enjoying was one that all must crave for, describing it as a life of continued service to humanity.
He said the former President had a residual responsibility to continue to serve people and God.
He also advised him not to be found wanting in serving his community, state, Nigeria, Africa and the world.
Jonathan saved Nigeria and its democracy – Gowon
Former military Head of State, Gen Yakubu Gowon (retd.) also eulogized Jonathan for the decision he took in 2015.
Gowon said Nigerians would forever be grateful to Jonathan for saving the country and its democracy.
He said, “There was fear that there would be problem. The whole of Africa was concerned, then the news came that Jonathan had conceded defeat and congratulated the winner. There was jubilation.
“You did what many Nigerians can’t do and God will bless you for that. I visited you thereafter and you were alone, you looked like a lone ranger. You have done exceptionally well.
“You saved Nigeria and Nigeria’s democracy. Nigerians will forever be grateful to you.”
Abdusalami to Jonathan: You brought peace to Nigeria
Another former military Head of State, Gen Abdusalami Abubakar (retd.), said former President Jonathan brought peace to the country by conceding defeat in the 2015 presidential election.
He said the nation could not thank Jonathan enough.
He said, “We cannot thank you enough for the peace we are having in the country when you honourably conceded defeat in the 2015 election.
“You have brought peace to this country. You remain an example for Africa.
“You have shown you love your country more than you love power. I wish you well and I wish you many happy returns.”
Jonathan followed footsteps of PDP Presidents – Atiku
The presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Atiku Abubakar, said Jonathan followed in the footsteps of past PDP Presidents.
“Jonathan followed the footsteps of the Presidents produced by the PDP. His action consolidated democracy. If not for that action, only God knows where we would have been today,” he said.
Atiku also said Jonathan told him he would deliberately delay the book presentation till after the presidential primaries of the PDP because of the role he (Atiku) would play.
He said if he had played the role before the primaries, some people might believe Jonathan had anointed him.
He however said he was sure Jonathan voted for him
Jonathan’s transition hours, Africa’s finest hours – Saraki
In his comment, the President of the Senate, Bukola Saraki, described Jonathan’s transition hours as Nigeria’s and Africa’s finest hours.
“You have taken our democracy to a high level and we won’t allow it to come down below that level.
“The spirit of the book is that no ambition deserves anybody’s blood. We shall not go below the standard you set; instead, we will go beyond it,” he said.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, said Jonathan was worthy of being celebrated.
“There was confusion and silence in the country until he decided not out of compulsion to make that call. We celebrate you.
“Those who failed to do so are not being celebrated. That singular previous call was what brought our democracy to maturity. Nobody will ever change that,” he said.
He announced that the House would buy 400 copies of the book at a price to be determined and communicated later.
Former PDP ministers also bought 100 copies for N10m.
The book presenter, Gen Theophilus Danjuma, who was represented by Gen Martin Luther Agwai, reminded all Nigerians of the importance of peace and the danger of war.
“Where there is no justice, inclusiveness and security of lives and property, peace eludes such society,” he said.
He bought five copies of the book for N10m.
Bayelsa governor showers millions on Jonathan
At the event, the Bayelsa State Governor, Seriake Dickson, showered millions of naira on former President Jonathan.
He donated six hectares of land to the Goodluck Ebele Jonathan Foundation and presented the Certificate of Occupancy to the former president.
Dickson also announced a donation of N100m to the foundation on behalf of the state government.
He said the government would be giving a monthly N5m grant while he is still in office.
He added that the state would purchase 1,000 copies of Jonathan’s book at an undisclosed amount.
Oshiomhole, Akpabio make surprise appearance
The National Chairman of the ruling All Progressives Congress, Adams Oshimohole, made a surprise appearance at the venue.
He arrived at the same time with a former Akwa Ibom State Governor, Godswill Akpabio.
Akpabio recently left the Peoples Democratic Party for the APC.
Their arrival at the venue disrupted the event for a few minutes.
Oshiomhole ensured that he took photographs with the National Chairman of the PDP, Uche Secondus.