As the lockout of workers by the management of Nycils passes into the second weed today, the workers of this organisation have called on President Buhari, to aid them from anti-labour policies in the company.

The workers were denied entrance into the company’s premises last Monday, without prior notice. The company is located in Sango Ota, Ogun state. It was also mentioned that they had worked overtime, the previous Saturday.

The workers have, however, been assured of support from the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), as well as the Trade Union Congress (TUC).

Both unions representing the workers, have assured them that their labour centres are behind them in this battle and they will be offering full support.

President of NUCFRLANMPE, who is also a national trustee of the NLC, Goke Olatunji, said the union now has the assurance of the labour centres for the total shutdown of the company until the management follow due process.

“The management has further worsened the crisis by putting up a notice at the gate that the workers should stay away until the management contacts them; where is that applicable in law? They were still at work until Saturday, no information whatsoever, only for them to resume work on Monday and the gate was locked, quite unreasonable,” he said.

The management’s notice, which had no date nor signatory, read, “This is to inform you that the company has been closed down till further notice. Further communication on resumption if necessary will come to you in due course.”

The NUCFRLANMPE president said the workers would not vacate the premises, but will ensure that their rights were granted, even if the company would fold up.

“We know it’s a ploy by the management to sack workers without any negotiation, moreso when it has failed to negotiate with the union based on collective and procedural agreement,” he said.