Usman Bello Balarabe
Usman Bello Balarabe

Notes from Hindustan: Insecurity and the aftermath of Government’s failure

NEWS DIGEST – The existence of Government in any democratic polity is among other things, to promote public good as well as the lives, liberty, and properties of its people. The unfortunate apparent reality of insecurity situations in northern Nigeria is becoming unbecoming despite the said Government’s indefatigable efforts, yet it is not promising.

Shockingly, the recent massive horrendous killings of poor citizens in Borno and Katsina alone has created a melancholia amongst Northern Nigerians looking at how neglectfully if not effortlessly the Government is addressing the issue to bring an end to it. Alas! Hundreds of innocent lives were taken mercilessly by wild-gang on bright daylight who roam around the state on their motorbikes, chanting and celebrating while the victims’ families are there mourning and crying. this is enough tragic to make the Government do the needful to put more effort in tackling this dreadful menace.

Annoyingly, insecurity issues isn’t amongst the top priorities in Mr. President’s Democratic speech today. We all thought, looking at how citizens are horrendously killed on daily basis, he will prioritize his speech on that. It is appalling to see a leader being neglectful about the lives of his poor citizens who are outrageously killed on daily basis. Nigerians are totally disappointed having put their hopes and confidence in Mr. President. What hopes left  for Nigerians now is to remain prayerful, faithful in God, survive, get married, give births and dies.

Worriedly, the scariest thing about the insecurity issues is that, if the lives of innocent citizens can’t be guarded and protected by the Government, fearfully, they might eventually join the wild-gang for their safety.