NLC and TUC Nationwide Strike Paralyzes Activities in Ekiti State

The nationwide strike called by the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) on Monday brought public institutions and economic activities in Ekiti State to a standstill.

In Ado-Ekiti and other major towns, the secretariat, public offices, courts, and schools were deserted.

However, a few workers reported to work under special arrangements, particularly at the State House of Assembly, where lawmakers were celebrating their one year in office.

Also, few banks that opened for business were immediately bombarded, and picketted by the irate labour enforcers.

In most of the places visited, only a handful of political appointees were seen, doing skeletal works in their offices.

Our correspondent further reports that a statement, issued in the early hours of the day, and signed by Chairman of NLC, compounded matters, as it warned that any affiliate union which failed to comply with the directive would be treated as a saboteur.

Chairman of Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, in Ekiti, Olatunde Kolapo, directed leadership of all affiliate unions in the state to ensure full compliance with the strike, as directed by the national body.

He said the strike had become the last resort, after labour unions had displayed uncommon understanding over the need to improve on workers’ welfare, especially as it had to do with a new minimum wage.