NLC shuts down MTN Kano office

NEWS DIGEST – Members of the Nigerian Labour Congress, Kano state chapter, have shut down the Mobile Telephone Networks, Ltd., MTN in the state in protest against the unfair treatment in the recruitment of casual staffs in the company.

Exploitation the company has subjected DAILY NIGERIAN gathered that the workers’ groups are protesting the series of hardship and exploitation the company has subjected its staff by employing them on a casual basis without recourse to the laws of the land.

“This is against due process, workers should be employed on a permanent basis not casual, that’s why we are here to protest until due process is followed.

“We are calling on the government to do the needful, the Ministry of Labour and that of communications should also intervene,” said the state chairman of the NLC, Kabiru Ado-Minjibir, who led the protest in the company of members of health workers, textile, garment and school teachers union.

Mr Minjibir added that in line with the directives of the National Executive Council of the NLC, “We will not be leaving until the management here address us, the maltreatment of workers is enough.”

DAILY NIGERIAN reports that the workers shut down the company and stood by the gate singing and dancing Pro-labour songs.

They carried placards with inscriptions such as: ‘workers right must be protected’, ‘Nobody has the right to enslave us in our own country’, and many others.

However, the management is yet to address them at the time of filing this report.

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