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The office for ICT Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIIE), a subsidiary under National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), in order to deepen its work of supporting innovations in the ecosystem in Nigeria has awarded prizes for ICT innovation to outstanding National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) members in Abuja who have excelled in its inaugural Idea Sprint under its multi-year ICT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programme.

Established in line with NITDA Act 2007 and National ICT Policy, the OIIE is setup to nurture, cultivate and expand the ICT innovation and entrepreneurship in Nigeria.

Among the winners at the inaugural edition of the programme who got cash prizes as idea development grants are Opaluwa John and Awulona Obinna with “MyDriver”, Temiloluwa Adesina with “A School in A Box” and Gorah Ayodele and Aluko Fikunayomi with “HIV Diagnosticare”. Consolation prizes and certificates of participation were issued to 13 teams of corp members who were shortlisted for the final round of the competition.

However, the top five winners that received the Idea Development Grant would use the funds to produce the prototype of the ideas they have committed to NITDA OIIE. Besides, some NYSC members that presented creative ideas to OIIE would observe their one-year mandatory service with OIIE in Abuja, as OIIE has sent a formal request to the management of the NYSC to that effect.

Addressing the audience, the Director General of NITDA, Mr. Peter Jack stressed the importance of ICT as an enabler for creating jobs and wealth.

Source: Dailytimes