Nigerian Army says Boko Haram is not a threat

The Nigerian Army has claimed that the Boko Haram insurgents, are weak, untrained and unable to sustain an onslaught against its personnel for more than five minutes.

The Nigerian Army has boasted about having quality training and top notch equipment to secure the nation.

It has been reported that Nigerian troops have been carrying out onslaughts against the terrorists, who had held the Northeastern state of Borno on a decade-old hostage.

Following the intensive counter-attack by Nigerian troops, major towns which were held hostage by the the terrorist group, had been liberated. However, numerous attacks, ambush and bombings are still going on in the region.

The above assertion by the army, was made on its official Twitter handle on Wednesday under the hashtag: #Ourmilitaryiscapable. The Nigerian Army suggested that Boko Haram was not a threat to its personnel. This assertion was responded to with mixed reactions from citizens.

A Twitter user, @idenicezo, dismissed the Army’s claim, saying: “Tweeter army, very shameless set of people. I hope you see your mates in Mali doing the needful to an inept government. A corruption ridden government does not need to continue.”

Another user, identified as SAX, said: “Actually poorly trained, commanders aren’t able to manage battlefields, poor decision making capability, poorly equipped, troops always needlessly exposed to danger when we have protective vehicles which are hardly made available to them. And the coas, well….terrible.”

In another tweet, one Danladino Dauda said: “Unable to fight more than five minutes” but it is taking you #TOO_LONG to #FiNiSh_Them? Does this mean that you just don’t want to #FiNiSh_Them_ALL that’s why you are #FREEING even those #CAPTURED_BH_MEMBERS?”

The statement was met with a lot of negative reactions, from Nigerians who feel the army isn’t doing well enough in curbing the insurgence in the North. We can say that majority of those who commented had a lot to say about the Army’s inability to stop Boko Haram.

On the other hand, there were a few positive responses, with those who encouraged the Nigerian army to keep up the good fight against Boko Haram. Some sent out their best wishes and prayers to the soldiers who fight for us.