On November 24, 2023, the Nigerian Air Force conducted successful strikes on a gathering of over 100 heavily armed terrorists in the Mandara Mountains.

Air Commodore Edward Gabkwet confirmed the destruction of structures and troop carriers. Key figures, including Abu Asad of the Ali Ngulde group under Boko Haram, were eliminated. Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar commended the operation, emphasizing the need to maintain pressure on terrorists.

“There are also indications that Abu Asad, a key figure in the Ali Ngulde group under Boko Haram, as well as other terrorists like Ibrahim Nakeeb, Mujaheed Dimtu, Mustafa Munzir, and several fighters, were among the several terrorists eliminated in the air strikes.”

Gabkwet said that the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar, commended the air component commander and his men, urging them to continue to synergize with the land component as they maintain the momentum in keeping the terrorists on their toes.

According to him, “We must continue to justify the trust and confidence the Federal Government and our people have bestowed on us by ensuring that we go all out in making life unbearable for these terrorists and criminals until they surrender or are eliminated.”